10 Essex Street

Architectural Description: 

Greek Revival, gable detail an exceptional use globe window - typical Chickering Style

Historical Narrative: 

Themes, Architectural, Commerce, Community development, recreation.

8 - 10 Essex Street – Nathaniel Swift Building - Built 1845 Also known as the “Beard Building” and “Smith & Manning Building”

The building was built by Nathaniel Swift in 1845 for his provisions store. Nathaniel Swift was a merchant and also town treasurer, 1862-3. Originally Swift’s building was just two stories high and surmounted by a cupola. The front facade at that time had open porches on the ground and second levels. Four pillars supported the pediment roof structure. There were two store fronts on the Essex Street level and the second floor rooms for offices and a larger room for storage and fraternal club meetings. It later became the meeting place for the GAR “Grand Army of the Republic” - Veterans of the Civil War. The basement was also used as storage and a shop. Nathaniel Swift kept a provisions store here catering to the residences of town and the Andover & Wilmington Railroad depot which was located across the street. The B & M Railroad acquired the old line Andover & Haverhill Railroad Corp. relocating the rail line further west to the present location about 1850. In February 1853 Swift sells his business to Carleton & Derby. Feb. 19, 1853 AA - B. Farnham Carleton & Benjamin P. Derby - New furniture at the old stand, the store recently occupied by Nathaniel Swift on Essex Street. Dry Goods, & groceries…Agricultural implements.

In July 1866 Swift sold the building to Horace P. Beard. Beard was in business with James Dodge prior to this location at the intersection of Red Spring Rd. and Essex St. Mar. 10, 1855 AA – “New firm of Dodge & Beard – purchased C. G. NcNeil’s stock of Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Farming tools, Grass & Garden Seeds, Bondi Common & Fancy Crackers. James S. Dodge & Horace P. Beard.” Mr. Beard had worked for McNeil before his business failed. Dodge & Beard did a good business at this location and their partnership continued for ten years.

Aug. 5, 1865 – “Dissolve partnership of Dodge & Beard (July 31, 1865) New firm of H. P. Beard & Co. – Horace P. Beard, John L. Smith & Albert S. Manning” A year later the new firm would relocate to this building.
July 27, 1866 AA – “Nathaniel Swift sells his store on Essex Street to Horace P. Beard for $8000. The lot is 40’ on Essex St. & 105’ on Central St. and the building measures 32 x 90 three stories in height. Horace Beard was in partnership with James S. Dodge with their store located at the foot of Red Spring Road across form the bridge.”
Beard died unexpectedly in July 1871 and was the first burial in Spring Grove Cemetery.
July 21, 1871 AA – “Mr. Horace P. Beard, senior partner of H. P. Beard & Co. dies – obit – came to Andover about 20 years age –for a short time employed in the store of C. G. McNeil – in a few years McNeil gave up his business and Beard engaged in his own account. [The grocery stores of Messrs Holt & Higgins, E.R. Farnsworth & Co, and H. W. Abbott, will be closed tomorrow 2-5 for the funeral of H. P. Beard.”

August 25, 1871 – AA “Mr. John L. Smith & Albert S. Manning, of the late firm of H. P. Beard & Co. and Mr. Isaac S. Carruth, for many years a clerk in the store, have formed a co-partnership and will continue the business under the form of Smith, Manning & Co. They are efficient and worthy young men, and will no doubt fully sustain the popularity of the store, and merit the extensive patronage it has so long received.”
May 11, 1879 AA – Smith & Manning & Co. are about to build a new barn near their store and make extensive additions and improvements on their store building. Hardy and Cole do the work.
March 10, 1882 AA pg. 3 “The hall occupied by the GAR over Smith & Manning’s store on Essex St., is being enlarged and arranged to more comfortably accommodate the organization. The roof is to be raised eight feet, the cupola removed and a new stairway built. The main hall will be about 47 x 30’, 14 feet in height, with two ante-rooms, connected therewith. Hardy and Cole do the work. The expense will be about $1100. It is expected the room will be ready for occupancy by middle May.”
April 7, 1882 pg. 3 col. 8 – “The roof of Messrs. Smith and Manning’s store has been raised eight feet and the upper story’s to be occupied by Bartlett Post 99, GAR. The whole space is 60 x 32 feet, all of which will be used as a hall, with exception of two ante-rooms to be partitioned off at the northern end. It is expected the work will be completed before Memorial Day. Since the roof was raised the building looks more symmetrical than previously.
May 12, 1882 AA pg. 3 “W. S. Bartlett Post 99 GAR occupied their new hall over Smith and Manning’s store on Friday evening for the 1st time. It is spacious, well ventilated, pleasant room, and well furnished with handsome, neat desks and other suitable furniture.”
Jan. 1885 –“ Messrs Smith & Manning are enlarging and remodeling their store building and will occupy two entire stories for their purposes.”

The Smith and Manning name was long associated with this building and continues to this day.
Some former tenants;
* The Andover Savings Bank relocated here from the old depot across the street and then moved to the original National Bank Building on Main Street in 1852.

* April 2, 1853 AA - A New Millinery Establishment – Misses Carlton & Anderson – they have taken the rooms lately occupied by the Savings Bank (Swift Building) During the same period Moses Foster, Jr. - Counselor at Law – office is in Swift’s Building Essex St. near the Post Office.
* May 28, 1853 - Carlton & Derby Dry Goods - Swifts Building, Essex Street.
* Oct. 15, 1853 – Harriet Carlton & Louisa S. Anderson – co-partnership in Misses Carlton & Anderson is dissolved, will remain under Carlton at the old stand. Millinery & Dressmaking
* May 10, 1854 AA– Harriet Carleton – Millinery & fancy Goods at the old stand in Swift’s building, next door to Carleton & Derby’s.
C. G. McNeil – having removed to the store formerly occupied by Carleton & Derby. C. McNeil had his established variety store in Abbott Village near the stone bridge before taking over this location.
* Nov. 15, 1855 - Carleton – Bonnets - #2 Swifts Building – Essex St.
* May 31, 1856 – Fire on Saturday in the shoe store of Pilling & Smith, Swift’s building on Essex St. damage slight, stock somewhat injured.
The New Shawshin Fire Company promptly rallied and had their engines on the ground, but fortunately , however, they were not under the necessity of fighting the enemy, but simply tried the power of their machine on vacuity to a very good advantage.
* October 11, 1856 W. A. Herrick – Attorney & Counselor at Law – successor to M. Foster Jr. Esq. office in N. Swift’s Building.
* Dec. 6, 1856 – Dry Goods at Dodge & Beard’s
* June 27, 1857 – D. Howarth – Chemist & Druggist, Swifts Building, Andover.
* Dec. 5, 1857 – Fresh Oysters – R. Kent, Swifts Building Andover The above place of refreshments is opened with an earnest desire to supply the wants of the people of Andover.
* May 1, 1858 Dodge & Beard – Ad thanks patrons for the last three years in business – First time they advertise – down turn in market.
* May 15, 1858 – Soda Water with a Variety of Choice Syrups – Ice Cream – D. Howarth’s, Smith’s Bld.
D. Howarth – Chemist & Druggist – Swift’s Building. Having had experience in some of the first houses in New York, and for four years Apothecary of Kings County Hospital, New York, trusts by unremitting attention to business and faithfully discharging those duties committed to his care, to merit a share of public patronage.
* Sept. 3, 1859 - New Shoe Store – Eben B. Tyler – has opened a shoe store in Swift’s building on Essex Street.
* Oct. 1, 1859 – Dressmaking – Miss J. M. Wright – has taken rooms over the store of Beard & Dodge.
* Dec. 3, 1864 AA – Mrs. J. Morrison and Miss I. M. Taylor have taken rooms for a new millenary shop in the same building with Dodge & Beard
* April 27, 1866 AA – Horace P. Beard has purchased of Jas. H. Smith, the house and land on Essex Street, recently occupied by James S. Dodge. Price $2000.
* July 13, 1866 AA – John T. Shattuck has removed to Essex St. next to H. P. Beard & Co. where he is prepared to serve the public in the boot and shoe business.
* Oct. 5, 1866 AA – An adjourned meeting of the Lincoln Army & Navy Union will be held at the Hall over the store of H. P. Beard & Co. on Tues. evening …Oct. 16 at 7 ½ o’clock - A full attendance is requested. John L. Smith.
* March 22, 1867 AA – Horace P. Beard has sold his house and land on Essex Street to John Chandler for $2300.
* March 22 1867– John T. Shattuck has sold out his stock and trade to Messrs. Corse & Townsend, who will continue the boot and shoe business trade at the old stand. Co-partnership formed. Corse & Townsend will carry on the boot & shoe business at the store in the town house, and also the store in Beard’s building on Essex Street.
* June 21, 1867 AA Henry W. Abbott is about fitting up a store in the south end of his brick building on Main Street, for Messrs, Corse & Townsend, These gentlemen will unite the boot & shoe business of their two establishments in the new locality. [Formerly on Essex St.]
* April 3, 1868 AA Messrs H.P. Beard & Co. – new stock of paper hangings.
* Dec. 16, 1870 Messrs H. P. Beard & Co. offer for sale a large assortment of seasonable articles and holiday presents.
* Dec. 19, 1873 AA – Mr. A. P. Pearson who for several years past supplied many of our citizens with meat from his cart, has established a provisions store on Essex Street. (In the basement of Smith & Manning & Co. store.)
20th Century occupants;
Alfred Manning bought out Smith's share when he retired and continued under the name of A. S. Manning until the end of December 1918. The business was then purchased by Ernest T. Hethrington of Vermont, who also purchased T.A. Holt Co. in the Baptist Church basement at the same time. (see AT Jan. 3, 1919.) Hethrington ran both stores, later consolidated the Manning store into the Holt business. It later relocated to the K&D Bolk at 68 Min St. in 1924.

* M.T. Walsh Plumbing, 8 Essex in 1894
* Baker Refrigerator Company (1948)
* Custom Cabinet Shop (1949)
* Donut De-Lite (Bernard Mulcahy), 8 Essex (1965)
* Forum Five Coffee Shop – upstairs 1963 -1967? Short lived
* Baystate Financial Services, 10 Essex
* The Write Place - Joyce Witover - Oct. 1992 #10 - Stationary store
* Native Sun (2003) moved to Main St. 2008

Essex St. developed 1820-1850's as response to growing industries of Andover. Like Brook St., it was a "way to the factories"
Andover Townsman, 1914, Oct. 23; mentions prayer meetings held in Swift's store.


Andover Historical Society files
Business History of Andover; Souvenir No. of Andover Townsman. 250th Anniversary. .1896, p. 30
Poore, Dr. Alfred; "A Geneological-Historical Visitation of Andover in year 1863" Essex Institute Historical Collection, vol. XLIX, 1913, July. P. 239-252
Andover Townsman; Sept. 9, 1976 and Oct. 23, 1914
Essex County Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence

Nathaniel Swift built store in 1845
Horace P. Beard – June 30, 1866 – b. 707 lf. 182 Salem Deeds
Isaac S. Carruth – Aug. 2, 1869 – b. 1 p. 540 Lawrence deeds
H. P. Beard & Company – Aug. 2, 1869 – b. 1 p. 242 - Horace P. Beard, John L. Smith & Albert S. Manning co-partners
Horace P. Beard dies July 21, 1871 - Frances A. Beard, widow of Horace, guardian of their 4 children sells husband’s share 1872
John L. Smith & Albert S. Manning – Mar. 20, 1872 – b. 14 p. 46
Albert S. Manning Estate – Charles H. Wright trustee – July 7, 1917 Probate
George A. Stewart – May 31, 1921 - b. 442 p. 155
Andover Savings Bank – Mar. 8, 1934 – b. 577 p. 268
Samuel Resnik – Resnick Realty Investments – Nov. 10, 1938 – b. 619 p. 167
Danton Realty Trust, L. John Davidson & Phidius G. Dantos – June 11, 1968 – b. 1107 p. 367 – five parcels – parcel #5
Buffie Real Estate Trust, Frederick Flather III, - Mar. 21, 1972 – b. 1190 p.168
L. John Davidson – Dec. 31, 1974 - b. 1254 p. 126
A. & J. Realty Trust, - Anthony D. Giannetto & John J. Harzmovitch – Oct. 27, 1976 - b. 1294 p. 553
Bruce S. Moody & S. Geo. Kokinos – Dec. 30, 1977 – b. 1329 p. 302
S. George Kokinos – Sept. 4, 1980 – b. 1457 p. 171
Richard G. Asoian & Mark E. Tulley – Mar. 14, 1983 p. 1653 p. 10
Asoian & Tulley – Jan 19, 2006 b. 9996 p. 74

Inventory Data:

StreetEssex St
PlaceAndover Center
Historic DistrictNot Applicable
Historic NameNathaniel Swift Store
Present UseRetail & Apartments
Original Usestore
Construction Date1845
Architectural StyleGreek Revival
Architect/BuilderJacob Chickering builder
Foundationstone & granite
Wall/Trimwood clapboards, coverd vinyl sided
Outbuildings / Secondary Structuresbarn at rear of lot razed
Major Alterationsbuilt as two story store, roof lifted and third level added - cupola removed then altered into apartments in the 1990s, comercial space on street level.
Acreageless than one acre, 8,990 sq. ft. 40 ft. approximate frontage
Map and parcel55-51
MHC NumberANV.188
Recorded byStack/Mofford, James Batchelder
OrganizationAndover Preservation Commission
Date entered1975-77, updated 3/2014

