141 Chandler Road

Architectural Description: 

Cape style home, interior center fireplace, beehive oven

Historical Narrative: 

This home was sited on the north side of Chandler Rd., very close to the bend in the road and opposite the barn across the street. The house created a bind curve when driving down this section of Chandler Rd. A small chimney fire and its age and location all factored into the demolition of the home in 2005.

The property was once owned by Joseph Chandler and his wife Mary. Joseph later sold the property to his son Joseph Jr. for $800. on Jan 17, 1834. Joseph and his wife Lucy R. owned the home for 12 years. The house lot was a four acre parcel on the north side of Chandler Rd. and the barn lot on the south side of the road across from the house contained 17 acres.

Chandler sold the two lots to Nathan J. Plummer, wife Hannah on June 1, 1846. Nathan was a carpenter and yeoman. He held the property for one year then sold to Wentworth Winchester, wife Harriet on Oct. 27, 1847. Winchester owned just two years then selling to Willard Durant on Oct. 9, 1849. The 1850 Valuation for Williard [Durin] Durant; House, barn & shed $480, 22 1/2 acres Home farm $562, Land & Dwelling house in FV $425, land & dwelling house FV $400.

Willard Durant, wife Susan and family held the property for 50 years. Willard acquired 20 parcels of land through the years increasing the size of his farm. The homestead parcel and the barn lot were sold to John J. Sweeney in 1899 and then sold to Daniel Fitzpatrick on JUly 22, 1899. Daniel paid $2500. Daniel's wife Mary F. was the guardian for Susan J. Durant, (an insane person, stated in the deed) on Oct. 28. 1892. John B. Scoot was appointed guardian of their two minor children Annabella and John Durant.

The Fitzpatricks would own the Durant property and acquired several additional lots. One acre of the homestead lot was sold off in 1904 by Daniel to Hannah Fitzpatrick. In March 1932 the homestead lot, barn lot and three other parcels was sold to Hovagen & wife Fulrana Haryana Arakelian and Leon Donabedian. The Armenian families came to America prior to WWI escaping mass genocide. Many Armenians established a new life in West Andover, working their newly acquired farms.

The Arakelians owned this farm until March 31, 1955 when they sold to Robert A. Park of Wilmington, MA. The Park family remained the owners of record to most of the farm. The house lot was sub-divided in 2005. The old Chandler homestead was razed and new home sited further back from the road was built in 2006.


Essex County Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence, MA
Map #15408 - May 30, 2006 - Sub-divide parcel -lots 1 and 2

Joseph Chandler, wife Mary - 1800 - 1834
Joseph Candler Jr., wife Lucy R. - Jan. 17, 1834, rec. Feb. 17, 1841 - b. 323 leaf 17
Nathan J. Plummer, wife Hannah - June 1, 1846, rec. Oct. 19, 1847 - b. 389 leaf 53
Wentworth Winchester, wife Harriet L. - Oct. 27, 1847 - b. 390 leaf 231
Willard Durant - Oct. 9, 1849 - b. 417 leaf 178
Willard Durant estate, Mary F. Fitzpatrick Guardian - Susan J. Durant - Oct. 28, 1892 - b. 122 p. 394
Willard Durant estate, John B. Scott Guardian of Anabella and John Durnat, minors - July 17, 1892 - 20 parcels
Mary F. Fitzpatrick Guardian - Susan J. Durant - July 22, 1899 - b. 171 p. 441 - $1350.
John J. Sweeney - July 22, 1899 - b. 171 p. 441 - two parcels
Daniel Fitzpatrick - July 21, 1899 - b. 171 p. 440 - $2500
Hovagen & Fulrana Haryana Arakelian and Leon Donabedian - Mar. 25, 1932 - b. 563 p. 382, p. 385
Fulrana Haryana Arakelian - May 20, 1946 - b. 684 p.441
Robert A. Park - Mar. 31, 1955 - b. 810 p. 279
Robert A. & Catherine T. Park - Oct. 2, 1962 - b. 970 p. 221
Robert A. & Louise A. Park - Oct. 22, 1985 - b. 2081 p. 318
Sally A. & Michael Francis - Aug. 21, 2006 - b. 10298 p. 61 - lot 1
Park Family Trust - May 30, 2006 - b. 10252 p. 261 - lot 2

Daniel Fitzpatrick to Hannah Fitzpatrick - Sept. 7, 1904 - b. 214 p. 512 - 1 acre portion of homestead lot

Inventory Data:

StreetChandler Rd
PlaceWest Parish - West Andover
Historic DistrictNot Applicable
Historic NameJoseph Chandler - Willard Durnat House
Present Useresidence
Original Useresidence
Construction Date1795 - 1800
SourceECRDS, ENRDL, style-njs
Architectural StyleFederal
Roofasphalt - gable
ConditionRazed 2005
Demolition Details2005 for new house on site
Acreage1.072 acres
Map and parcel146-9
Recorded byJames S. Batchelder
OrganizationAndover Preservation Commission
Date entered1975-1977, 3/4/2016

