181 Lowell Street

Architectural Description: 

Craftsman Bungalow style which incorporates many natural textural elements of stone, cedar shingles, roof dormers, exposed chimneys, open porches.

Historical Narrative: 

Themes: architectural, community development.

This property was once owned by William & Hannah Bailey who owned the stone house next door at #183. It was sold to Lizzie C. Hardy of St. Johns. New Brunswick, Canada in Feb. 1891. The property with buildings sold for $1800. It has been stated that there was once a store on this lot and may have been the building referenced in the deed.

Andover Advertiser - Oct. 16, 1868 – Building for Sale - Benjamin Boynton offers for sale his shoe factory near West Church, to be removed from its present location. It is 23 x 30 feet with 16 feet posts and is nearly new. Pub. Oct. 2, 1868.
AA April 23, 1869 - George Lawson has purchased the shoe building of Benjamin Boynton, and will remove it to a piece of land near George Buchan’s where it will be fitted up for a dwelling house.

Frank Hardy and his son, who ran a store at corner of Lowell and Beacon Streets also operated a brush factory in a building back of this house - [Campbell, Eleanor: West of Shawsheen, History of West Parish Church, 1976]
The property was purchased by Frank H. Hardy son of Lizzie in April 1913. Hardy then sold to George M. & Elizabeth A. Carter. in Nov. 1918. This lot was still part of the property at #183.The Carter family has been attributed with building the bungalow style home. The Carters were active members of the West Parish Church. Their son Thomas Edward Carter, Second Lieutenant 9th Infantry Co. L, was killed in action on Nov. 4, 1918 during WWI. His remains were laid to rest on July 5, 1923 in West Parish Cemetery. George's other son Herbert Paul Carter & wife Phoebe purchased the bungalow house on Oct. 10, 1921. Lot Plan #1440 in Nov. 1943 settled the lot line between the two houses at 181 & 183 Lowell St. Herbert died on Feb. 6, 1956 and estate was sold in October to William & Claire Wagenbach of Methuen, MA who remained four years then selling to James & Sylvia Kennett. in June 1960. They sold 18 months later to Richard M. & Mary F. Sullivan on Dec. 1, 1961. The Sullivans owned for 11 years before the sale to Stephen & Maryanne Duly in Sept. 1972. Ten years after Duly sells to Robert & Jacquelyn Berninger in Oct. 1982. Followed by; Matthew & Anne Ginty in Oct. 1989; Kathie L. Wick of Wick Realty Trust Dec. 1993; and then Timothy R. & Lauren Silk who acquired the property in December 1994 and are the current owners in 2014.


Hannah M & William Bailey 1890 land with stone house
Lizzie C. Hardy - Feb. 17, 1891 - b. 111 p. 2
Frank H. Hardy - April 21, 1913 - b. 393 p. 69
George M. & Bessie A. Carter - Nov. 13, 1918 - b. 393
p. 70
Herbert P. & Phoebe Carter - Oct. 10, 1921 - b. 448 p. 287
Herbert P. Carter estate d. Feb. 6, 1956
Elizabeth L. Gorrie admtx.
William & Claire Wagenbach - Oct. 28, 1956 - b. 844 p. 199
James & Sylvia Kennett - June 24, 1960 - b. 917 p. 263
Richard M. & Mary F. Sullivan - Dec. 1, 1961 - b. 949 p. 262
Stephen R. & Mary P. Duly - Sept. 29, 1972 - b. 1203 p. 319
Robert M. & Jacquelyn Berninger - Oct. 20, 1982 - b. 1614 p. 66
Mathew & Anne (Stuart) Ginty - Oct. 5, 1989 - b. 3008 p. 91
Kathie L. Wrick - Nov. 20, 1993 - b. 3600 p. 223
Wrick Realty Trust - Dec. 17, 1993 - b. 3945 p. 44 & 54
Timothy R. & Lauren Silk - Dec. 8, 1994 - b. 4178 p. 57

Northern Essex Registry of Deeds - Lawrence -
See plan #1440 - Nov. 6, 1943 for lot boundary - b. 661 p. 224 between #181 & 183 lots.

Inventory Data:

StreetLowell St
PlaceWest Parish - West Andover
Historic DistrictWest Parish Center NRH District
Historic NameGeorge Carter House
Present Useresidence
Original Useresidence
Construction Date1919-1920
Architectural StyleCraftsman/Bungalow
Outbuildings / Secondary Structuresgarage
Acreage16,335 sq. ft. approximate frontage 150' on Lowell, 75 on Beacon St.
Map and parcel88-5
MHC NumberANV.309
Recorded byStack/Mofford, James Batchelder
OrganizationAndover Preservation Commission
Date entered1975-77, 03/04/2006, 1/ 2014
