Architectural Description:
Palladian window in archway with ornamental patterns
Of chief architectural interest is doorway and second story Palladian window archway with carefully ornamented patterns of a local carpenter gouged in a way that was common then in Andover architecture.
Historical Narrative:
Themes: Architectural, community development, education.
Mark Newman bought 1 acre and 19 poles of land from Isaac Blunt on March 30, 1805 for $383.90 "on the southerly side of the Common by Phillips Academy and on the east by the road leading by said Academy to Boston." The Common is the old training field where George Washington held reception on horseback in 1789 on his tour of New England States and is now the site of the Fuller Memorial Bell Tower. Newman took a mortgage of $2500 from John Phillips of Boston on Oct. 27, 1809 which included "one acre 113 poles with buildings."
Rev. Mark Haskell Newman was 3rd Principal of Phillips Academy, 1794-1809. Mark was born on Sept. 7, 1772 in Ipswich, MA and "fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Exeter", graduated from Dartmouth College in 1793 and was Assistant Principal of Phillips Academy in 1794. Mark was Preceptor for 15 years and on the Board of Trustees for 40 years and clerk of P. A. Board of Trustees, 1809-1836. Mark Newman was member of the South Church for 57 years and Deacon from 1811-1845 also first Sunday School Supt. in 1818. After he resigned his Principalship, he was for many years a bookseller and publisher of religious books. By 1811 he built a store to south of his house on Dwight Street. The store later occupied by Albert Abbot was razed 1897. In 1829 Mark gave an acre of land for new Abbot Academy and served as Pres. of Board of Trustees until 1843.
Mark married on Sept. 29, 1795 in Boston to Sarah "Sally" Phillips. The had seven children: Samuel Phillips b. 6/6/1796, Mark b. 7/13/1804 - d. 9/10/1805, Mark H. b. 6/9/1800, Margaret Wendall b. 3/3/1801, Sarah Phillips b. 3/19/ 1802 - d. 11/22/1827, Hannah Haskell b. 6/6/1809, and William John b. 10/26/1811, Wife Sally died Nov. 18, 1811 at age 46. Mark later remarried to Mrs. Abigail Dodge of Tamworth, NH. int. Oct. 21, 1814. They had one daughter Anna Dodge b. 4/1/1816 d. 3/19/1840 age 24.
Mark Newman lived 210 Main until April 29, 1818, when he exchanged this house with Trustees of Phillips Academy for the late Samuel Abbot House at 57 Central Street. $5000 was the agreed amount for both properties. Mark died on June 15,1859 in another one of his homes on the site of Christ Church.
Doctor, essayist, poet Oliver Wendell Holmes lived over kitchen in wing of east of main house. Professor Murdock was faculty resident then. [Poem follows]
Oliver Wendell Holmes lived here while a student, class of 1825.
"The schoolboy's chosen home is reached at last, - I see it now, the same unchanging spot - The swinging gate, the little garden plot - The narrow yard, the rock that made its floor - The flat, pale house, the knocker-garnished door - The small, trim parlor, nest, decorous, chill - The strange new faces, kind but grave and still." [From "The Schoolboy" written and read by Oliver Wendell Holmes in 1878 at the centennial Celebration of the founding of Phillips Academy].
Professor Emerson lived here. An abolitionist, he harbored fugitive slaves here. Prof. Shedd also lived here.
1863-1904, Prof. Egbert Smyth was a resident. He was involved in "Heresy Trials" at Andover Seminary when he and several other professors were accused of heresy for their liberal theology and anti-Calvinistic teachings. Smyth was only one not exonerated and case went to Mass. Supreme Court.
James C. Sawyer, Treasurer of Phillips Academy and Director of Andover National Bank, 1902-1933, lived here.
Essex County Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence. MA
Holmes, Oliver W. "Cinders from the Ashes", pages from an Old Volume of Life, Cambridge, Riverside,1891, vol. VIII also - "the Schoolboy", 1878.
Rowe, H. History of Andover Theological Seminary
Andover Townsman: Oct. 30, 1936
Goldsmith, Bessie. Historic Houss of Andover, 1946 Townswoman's Andover, 1964
Le Boutillier, Addison. Early Wooden Architecture in Andover, Mass. 1977, p.6
Fuess, Claude. An Old New England School; History of Phillips Academy, Boston; Houghton Miffin, 1917
Robbins, Sarah Stuart. Old Andover Days, Memories of a Puritan Childhood,1908, p. 20
Historical Sketches of Andover, Sarah Loring Baily 1880.
Isaac Blunt, wife Lois - land
Mark Newman - March 30, 1805 rec. Aug. 1808 - b. 184 leaf 78 - $383.90 - 1a 19 poles
Trustees of Phillips Academy - Apr. 29, 1818 - b. 216 leaf 228 - $5000.
Inventory Data:
Street | Main St |
Place | Andover Center |
Historic District | Academy Hill NRH District |
Historic Name | Newman, Rev. Mark Haskell House |
Present Use | faculty house |
Original Use | residence, boarding house for P. A. students ca. 1825- |
Construction Date | 1809 |
Source | Bessie Goldsmith |
Architectural Style | Federal |
Foundation | stone & granite |
Wall/Trim | clapboards/wood |
Roof | asphalt - hip |
Major Alterations | South facade porch enclosed and second story room above added. time frame to available. |
Condition | excellent |
Acreage | less than one acre |
Setting | Residential/Educational |
Map and parcel | 41-4 |
MHC Number | ANV.360 |
Recorded by | Stack/Mofford, James S. Batchelder |
Organization | Andover Preservation Commission |
Date entered | 1975-77, Jan. 16, 2022 |