33 Porter Road

Architectural Description: 

Craftsman or Bungalow style home
Originally natural weathered cedar shingles, stone foundation, open porches

Historical Narrative: 

This property was once part of the Manning farm at 37 Porter Road. In 1914 the Manning property was parceled off into 10 separate lots and divided up between the heirs of John H. & Lois B. Manning. The heirs, their children, were Mary Alton (Manning) Keime of New Rockford, North Dakota, Martha (Manning) Disbrow of Syracuse, NY, Frederick Wilbur Manning of Swampscott, MA, John Hart Manning II and Caroline Thayer (Manning) Whitehill of Andover.

Caroline T. Manning Whitehill received lot 3, (the house lot) and lot 7 on Aug. 11, 1914. Later lot 2 abutting the house lot was purchased in 1929. Notes in the Historical Society files note that an old summer camp building was on the property prior to this home and was razed.

Caroline Thayer Manning was born Nov. 6, 1865 in Andover in the Manning homestead next door at #37. Caroline became a school teacher and later married on Aug. 20, 1889 in Andover to Edwin Hunt Whitehill. Edwin was born Oct. 30, 1865 in Wilbraham, MA, son of Rev. John & Clara Joanna (Hunt) Whitehill. Edwin was a high school teacher. His father was a minister, b. 1833 in Paisley, Scotland and married Clara Hunt in Sudbury, MA on Nov. 28, 1861. Rev. Whitehill married his son to Caroline Manning.

In 1889 Edwin was teaching in Hampstead, NH and then moved to Vermont where their first child Gladys Marion was born on June 29, 1895 in Woodstock.
By 1900 Whitehill had taken a job in Bridgewater, MA and and this is where their second daughter Ruth Manning Whitehill was born on Aug. 9, 1903. They had moved to Belmont by 1910 then to Watertown in1920 where Edwin was appointed Headmaster of the high school. He retied about 1936 and they moved into their home on Porter Road.

Caroline & Edwin built the house about 1915 and it was most likely used as their summer home until they retired. Edwin died on Aug. 1, 1942 and Caroline died ten years later in 1952. Their daughter Gladys M. also died that year on Sept. 12, 1952. She had married Henry Bollman and lived in Pennsylvania. They had one daughter Annette.

Caroline Whitehill's estate was administered by her surviving trustee, daughter Ruth M. Whitehill in 1954.

Ruth M. Whitehill took ownership of the property on May 29, 1954 and held it for 11 years before selling the house lot property to George E. & Eugenia B. Coorssen on Nov. 29, 1966. Ruth died on March 28, 1987 in East Andover, NH. She is burried with her parents at South Church Cemetery in Andover, MA. The gravestone also lists two boys, Henry d. 1920 and Robert d. 1924.
No other information is given as to relationship or birth.

Richard L. & Priscilla N. Alden purchased the house from Coorssen on Feb. 26, 1971. Alden held for 12 years then sold to Susan R. Avery on Oct. 28, 1983.

Stephen A. & Laura E. James purchased the property on June 6, 1986 and owned for 8 years then sold to Wayne C. Middleton & Margaret Randazza - on Jan. 27, 1994. Wayne Middleton died on March 1, 1995 and Margaret J. Randazza became sole heir. Margaret died in 2015 and her estate was sold by Michelle Randazza, estate representative to ALEX LLC of Andover, MA on Nov. 10, 2015.

The contemporary addition to the rear of the house was designed by Armand Ratte and was featured in a Better Homes and Gardens magazine article.

Alex LLC applied for a Special Dimensional Permit to move the home to 275 South Main Street in 2016. The house was modified for the move to the new site and moved on June 1, 2017. Ultimately the structural integrity of the house was compromised and razed on the new lot.

The new home on the former site at 33 Porter Rd. is now listed as 1 Manning Way and was purchased by Caroline Properties, Lawrence T. & Charlene F. Weiss on April 10, 2018.


Essex Country Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence, MA
See Plan #174 May 25, 1914 - Manning Estate

John H. & Lois A. Manning -
John H. & Lois A. Manning estates
Mary (Manning) Keime, Martha (Manning) Disbrow, Frederick H. Manning, John H. Manning, and Caroline (Manning) Whitehill, heirs.
Caroline Manning Whitehill Aug. 11, 1914 - b. 346 p. 173 - 2 lots
Caroline M. Whitehill estate, Ruth M. Whitehill, Tr. - 1958
Ruth M. Whitehill - May 29, 1954 - b. 792 p. 281
George E. & Eugenia B. Coorssen - Nov. 29, 1966 - b. 1073 p. 466
Richard L. & Priscilla N. Alden - Feb. 26, 1971 - b. 1166 p. 707
Susan R. Avery - Oct. 28, 1983 - b. 1740 p. 100
Stephen A. & Laura E. James - June 6, 1986 - b. 2209 p. 288
Wayne C. Middleton & Margaret Randazza - Jan. 27, 1994 - b. 3969 p. 155
Margaret J. Randazza heir - W.C. Middleton died Mar. 1, 1995 -
Randazza Realty Trust, Margaret J. Randazza - Apr. 25, 2001 - b. 6114 p. 256
Margaret J. Randazza - Nov. 14, 2002 - b. 7264 p. 77 - Conf. deed
Margaret J. Randazza - Dec. 16, 2002 - b. 7361 p. 60
Margaret J. Randazza estate, Michelle Randazza, Representative - 2015
ALEX LLC - Nov. 10, 2015 - b. 14441 p. 149
Carolina Properties, LLC - Apr. 10, 2018 - b. 15,444 p. 10
Lawrence T. & Charlene F. Weiss - July 26, 2019 - b. 15933 p. 129

Inventory Data:

StreetPorter Rd
PlacePhillips District
Historic DistrictNot Applicable
Historic NameWhitehill - Manning house
Present Useresidence
Original Useresidence
Construction Date1914 - 1920
SourceERDS, ENRDL, AHS file, njs, style
Architectural StyleCraftsman/Bungalow
Roofasphalt - gable
Outbuildings / Secondary Structuresmodern garage
Major AlterationsDwelling (camp) razed..1944 shed...1974
Acreage0.882 acre, 68,783 sq. ft, 148' frontage
Map and parcel76-37
MHC NumberANV.442
Recorded byStack/Mofford, James Batchelder
OrganizationAndover Preservation Commission
Date entered1975-77, 2/10/2015

