Architectural Description:
Rear ell may be earlier building; chimney stack
Historical Narrative:
Themes: Architectural; Community Development
Original owner: B. Hayward
This property is listed under Benjamin Hayward in the 1850 Valuation Schedule. Dwelling house, Shop 1/4 acre $1600.
Eliza J. Hayward has the property in 1869 as she sells the home to Henry R. Abbott on July 1, 1869. Abbott owns for 11 years then sells to the Rev. Henry R. Wilbur on Apr. 20, 1880.
Rev. Wilbur was the minister of the Baptist Church from 1872 - 1876. He first lived at #40 High St., then #38 High St. became his permanent home. Henry acquired several homes on High Street and Maple Ave. They were used as income property. Henry deeds this property to his wife Rebecca Wilbur, transferred via their son Arthur. On Feb. 11, 1916 Rebecca deeds the property to her daughter Caroline C. Wilbur.
Caroline was also deeded #40 High St. which is the home she would share with her step sister Susan.
Caroline Wilbur would later sell the property to Foster C. & Elizabeth F. Barnard on May 18, 1939. Again used as income property.
See #38 and #40 High Street for more on Wilbur family.
Map of Andover
--1852 lists B. Hayward
--1856 lists E. Hayward
--1872 lists H.R. Abbott
--1888 lists H.R. Wilbur
Essex County Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence, MA
Maps of Andover, 1852, 1872, 1884, 1888, 1906
Real Estate Evaluation Schedules, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1900, 1910, 1920
Andover Townsman / Andover Advertiser
Benjamin Ames & Maj. Daniel Cummings - 1818 - land
Pulaski Woodman - Oct. 21, 1818, rec. 12/22/1819 - b. 222 leaf 39 - $35 - 40 poles
Benjamin Ames & Maj. Daniel Cummings - 1821
Pulaski Woodman - Nov. 7, 1821 rec. 11/13/1822 - b. 231 leaf 142 -$10.50 - 12 rods
Sumner Fuller - June 27, 1823 - b. 232 leaf 169
Thomas Blake - June 28, 1823 - b. 232 leaf 169 - $200
Sumner Fuller - Nov. 22, 1827 - b. 242 leaf 213 - $200 lot w blds. 53 rods
Merrill Pettengill & Sumner Fuller - Nov. 20, 1827 - b. 247 leaf 213
Benjamin Hayward - Jan. 8, 1836 - b. 288 leaf 89 - $1400 - 53 rods
Benjamin Hayward estate, heir Eliza J. Hayward - 1866
Eliza J. Hayward - Nov. 10, 1866 - Probate
Henry R. Abbott - July 1, 1869 - b. 776 leaf 154 Salem deeds
Samuel Morrill - July 1, 1878 - b. 51 p. 284 - mtg loan - dis. b. 59 p.227
Henry R. Abbott - July 1, 1878 - b. 51 p. 284
Rev. Henry R. Wilbur - Apr. 20, 1880 - b. 59 p. 227
Arthur S. Wilbur - Dec. 22, 1887 - b. 94 p. 150 deed transfer
Rebecca M. WIlbur - Dec. 15, 1887 - b. 94 p. 152
Caroline C. Wilbur - Feb. 11, 1916 - b. 361 p. 335 - parcel 1
Foster C. & Elizabeth F. Barnard - May 18, 1939 - b. 622 p. 159
Hugh & Anne McLay, Jr. - Feb. 14, 1940 - b. 628 p. 355
William G. & Greta A. Coutts - Mar. 14, 1947 - b. 695 p. 431
Frederick W. Bradley - Feb. 19, 1965 - b. 1028 p. 482
Rittenhouse Realty Trust, Fred & Mary Eliz. Bradley, Trs. - Oct. 1, 1965 - b. 1045 p. 339
Rittenhouse Realty Trust, Mary Eliz. Bradley, Susan B. Trayser,Trs
Donald I & Barbara Richmond - Oct. 4, 1977 - b. 1321 p. 57 - parcel 2
Arco Properties, Inc, Richmond Trustees - June 1, 1978 - b. 10810 p.155 (p.166 parcel 3)
Inventory Data:
Street | High St |
Place | Andover Center District |
Historic District | Andover Historic Building Survey |
Historic Name | Pulaski Woodman - Benj. Hayward House |
Present Use | residence |
Original Use | residence |
Construction Date | c.1850 |
Source | ECRDS, ENRDL, style-njs |
Architectural Style | Federal |
Foundation | stone/brick |
Wall/Trim | clapboard/wood |
Roof | asphalt - gable |
Major Alterations | Replacement windows, |
Condition | excellent |
Acreage | 0.207 acre, approximate frontage, 70' |
Setting | residential |
Map and parcel | 38-63 |
MHC Number | ANV.244 |
Recorded by | Stack/Mofford, James S. Batchelder |
Organization | Andover Preservation Commission |
Date entered | 1975-77, 1/27/2006, 10/28/2015 |