Historical Narrative:
This family cemetery was sited south of the main Jenkins Homestead in a field next to a stone wall. Until 1997 the site was and cemetery were still off the main way at then numbered 89 Jenkins Road. A long dirt driveway curved its way across an open field to the Jenkins Homestead. The abandoned cemetery had seen little attention for many years until the development of Douglass Lane and Mortimer Way in 1999.
A team of archaeology students from the University of Massachusetts came to the cemetery in 1998 and did a site dig to determine how many grave were originally in the cemetery. The work included determining evidence of disturbed earth and a total of 17 grave shafts. Originally six members of the Benjamin Woodbridge family and 11 Jenkins from three generations were buried here from 1753 to 1878. Three children of Samuel and Rebecca Jenkins, the first family settled here, died on consecutive days in September of 1753, and 14 burials by the Woodbridge and Jenkins followed.
On April 13, 1882, eight members of the Jenkins family were exhumed and seven re-interred to the new Town cemetery, Spring Grove on Abbot St., and one to the South Church Burial Yard. All six Woodbridges remain with marked headstones and foot-stones, including militia veteran Benjamin Woodbridge. The three 1753 Jenkins children remain in unmarked graves, and three foot-stones remain from the children of William and Mary Jenkins who were re-interred at Spring Grove Cemetery.
A large soap stone boulder from the quarry on the property was used for the head stone of William Jenkins, an "ardent abolitionist" in Spring Grove Cemetery. His epitaph reads "William Jenkins, 1796-1878 - He lived to see the fulfillment of his great desire, the abolition of slavery in America."
In 2003 and two Eagle Scout projects commenced to clean up and restore the cemetery, erect a fence around it and place an historic plaque marker at the NE corner of the cemetery. This was done jointly by Scouts David Baletsa of Troop 79 and Scott Wilbur of Troop 73.
With the housing development construction, a large water retention area needed to be created for extra run off water. It was placed between Douglass Lane and the cemetery making access difficult for general maintenance and interested hikers wishing to explore the rural family cemetery. On September 13, 2014 a ribbon cutting ceremony took place at the new foot bridge created by Jeff Page of Troop 73 as his Eagle Boy Scout project. At a cost of $1500, Jeff and his fellow troop members were able to construct a solid, substantial and aesthetically pleasing footbridge over the run-off channel. A new footpath covered with wood chips was also created to the entrance of the burial ground about 25 yards away.
Who And Where?
A total of 17 burials were here from 1753-1878:
9 remain, 6 with headstones, 3 without
7 reinterred at Spring Grove Cemetery, 3 initialed footstones remain
1 reinterred at South Church Cemetery
17 Total burials, 8 reinterred in 1882
Original 1753-1878 Burials:
WOODBRIDGE - Here with headstones: Six
1846 Benjamin, s. Samuel and Abia, age 89
1826 Mrs. Martha (Melady) aka Patty, age 65
Their children:
1805 Martha, age 10y 7m
1831 Mary, age 45
1853 Benj. Jr., age 64
1827 Mrs. Rhoda, age 30
JENKINS - Here without Headstones: Three
Children of Samuel & Rebecca
9/24/1753 Joel age 2y,4m,25d
9/25/1753 Mary, 5y,5m,29d
9/26/1753 Benj., 1y,1m,11d
These children died on consecutive days, probably of disease, cause unknown
JENKINS -- Buried Here, re-interred in 1882: Eight
1834 Col. Benj., s. Samuel & Rebecca, age 77
1804 Mrs. Martha (Flint) aka Peggy, age 44
1834 William, s. Wm & Mary, age 5y,8m
1821 Margaret, d. Wm & Mary, age 2y, 8m
1834 Milton, s. Wm & Mary, age 1y,4m
1852 Milton, s. Ebenezer & Sally, age 16 moved to South Church, not Spring Grove
1870 Margaret F., d. Wm & Mary, age 45
1878 William, the abolitionist, h. Mary, age 84
3 remaining foot-stones for the children:
W. J. - William 1834
M. J. - Margaret 1821
M. J. - Milton 1834
Essex County Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence, MA
Archaeological Locational Survey at the Woodbridge and Jenkins Family Cemetery, Andover, MA by Christopher L. Donta and Thomas L. Arcuti - UMASS Amherst, MA - Received June 2, 1997
Research Report of Woodbridge-Jenkins Cemetery 2014 - Charlotte A. R. Lyons, Historian, South Church Andover, MA
400-acre grant from King to Osgood family
Woodbridge Family
Benjamin Jenkins Family abt. 1758
William Jenkins, heir, b. 1796 - d. 1878
William Jenkins – Aug. 28, 1827 – b. 246 leaf 76 – Salem, deed
Elizabeth “Belle” (Jenkins) Butterfield – heir - 1878
John Frank Morse – May 10, 1904 – b. 212 p. 519
Paul Hill – Apr. 30, 1907 – b. 245 p. 433
Hill Parker Company; Heldge Anderson, Ed & James Dean – Apr. 24, 1947 – b. 696 p. 596
A. Reginald & Belinda Mortimer, Dennis & Ann E. Pettigrew – Aug. 26, 1947 – b. 701 p. 280
Elizabeth A. McIntyre – June 5, 1989 – b. 2933 p. 32-36
A. Reginald & Belinda Mortimer, Dennis & Ann E. Pettigrew - June 5, 1989 – b. 2933 p. 34-36
Mortimer Realty Trust, Joan E. Raza, Trustee, - Apr. 23, 1991 – b. 3333 p. 123
Anne E. Pettigrew –
Stowe Development Inc., Robert J. Peterson, pres., Daniel A. Hayes, Jr. treas. Aug. 16, 1996 – b. 4625 p. 56-59
Inhabitants of Town of Andover - June 26, 2002 - b. 6907 p. 290
Inventory Data:
Street | Douglass LN |
Place | Holt District - Old Cape District |
Historic District | Andover Historic Building Survey |
Historic Name | Woodbridge - Jenkins Cemetery |
Present Use | Family Cemetery |
Original Use | Family Cemetery |
Construction Date | abt. 1753 |
Source | ERDS, ENRDL |
Major Alterations | 1996 - Surveyed and site cleaned up 2003 - Fenced in and head stones straightened Sept. 13, 2014 - footbridge access opened |
Condition | good |
Acreage | 5285 sq feet |
Setting | residential |
Map and parcel | 31-1W |
Recorded by | Stack/Mofford, James Batchelder |
Organization | Andover Preservation Commission |
Date entered | Sept. 13, 2014, 2/21/2016 |