Historical Narrative:
7 Lincoln Street - George Buchan House
This property when purchased by George Buchan from Sarah Frye on October 22, 1863 comprised about 8 acres of wooded land in two parcels. The first lot of 4½ acre bordered on Shawsheen Rd. to Lincoln Circle. The second parcel abutted the first and encompassed Cyr Circle northward.
George Buchan converted this former shoe factory building into the home at 7 Lincoln St.
Andover Advertiser - Oct. 16, 1868 – Building for Sale - Benjamin Boynton offers for sale his shoe factory near West Church, to be removed from its present location. It is 23 x 30 feet with 16 feet posts and is nearly new. Pub. Oct. 2, 1868. (said to be on the west corner of Beacon and Lowell Streets.)
AA- April 23, 1869 George Lawson has purchased the shoe building of Benjamin Boynton, and will remove it to a piece of land near George Buchan’s where it will be fitted up for a dwelling house.
George Buchan was born in Froickheim, near Arbroath, Scotland on Feb. 28, 1832 son of F. William & Jessie (Gardner) Buchan. George married in 1859 to Elizabeth P. Lawson b. Jan. 1, 1841 in France, daughter of Scottish parents George & Elizabeth Lawson.
Both George B. and his father-in-law George Lawson worked at Smith & Dove Manufacturing Co. as Flax Dressers in the hackling department. They lived together in Abbott Village in the Cenus of 1860. George Buchan enlisted during the Civil War and served in Company K Regiment Mass. Volunteers. (Perhaps Buchan suggested the name Lincoln St. in honor of the slain President?)
George & Elizabeth would have eleven children: Ada Augusta b. Aug. 1860, George W. b. Apr. 1862, Elizabeth W. b. June 1864, Margaret G. b. 1867, Nellie W. b. 1869, John Spalding b. May 28, 1870, Annie Isabell b. Sept. 26, 1871, Charles Sumner b. Feb. 2, 1874, Gertrude b. July 1875, Raymond b. Apr. 1878 and Donald C. b. Oct. 12, 1881.
Father-in-law George Lawson died on March 27, 1877. His widow Elizabeth then moved in with the Buchans. Sadly George’s wife Elizabeth P. died on July 20, 1887 at age 46. Of their children; Ada A., George W., Annie J and Gertrude all remained single and continued to live in the homestead.
Son John S. would be given the parcel lot next door at 5 Lincoln St. on October 1904. John S. a plumber, would marry Annie S. Porter and lived there.
Elizabeth Lawson died June 13, 1902 age 83. George Buchan died on Mar. 16, 1909 age 73 of heart failure. His obit states “He was one of the old guard of intelligent and well read Scotsmen who were at one time numerous among the hacklers.” (AT 3/15/1909) George and family are interred at West Parish Garden Cemetery.
The house continued in the Buchan family eventually owned by son Raymond L. Buchan from 1925 to 1972. Raymond also a veteran, served during the Spanish-American War as a Private Company L 8th Regiment Mass. Infantry. Raymond was business partners in Myerscough & Buchan garage first on Park Street then built 90 Main St. For several years this home was rented out. Raymond died on March 8, 1972 at age 94 years. His estate was administered by his nephew Norman Buchan and the property was sold to Victor L. Haten on Nov. 15, 1972.
Hatem sold three years later to Glenn G. & Jean E. Dudley on Oct. 8, 1975. James M. Kates & Joanna I. Scott purchased the home on Aug. 31, 1978 and held five years. John J. & Mary S. Krieger purchased on July 1, 1983 and continue as owners of record in 2018.
Essex County Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence MA
Town Clerks Office, Andover, MA
Assessor's Office, Andover, MA
Jeduthan Abbot – 1829 land
Moody B. Abbott, wife Hannah – Sept. 9, 1829 rec. 3/8/1837 – b. 287 leaf 185
John White, wife Sophia – June 29, 1837 – b. 301 leaf 276
Moses U. Hall – Sept. 14, 1846 – b.371 leaf 229
Sarah R. Frye – Aug. 26, 1861 – b. 626 leaf 145
George Buchan, wife Elizabeth P. - Oct. 22, 1863 – b. 659 leaf 233
George Buchan estate – died Mar. 16, 1906 Probate
Buchan heirs, Geo. W., Ada A., Annie I, and Gertrude L. – Mar. 16, 1906
George W. Buchan estate, died Sept. 14, 1922 – siblings heirs
Ada A., Annie I., and Gertrude L. Buchan
Ada A. Buchan estate died April 21, 1924
Annie I. Buchan & Gertrude L. Buchan – Feb. 19, 1925 – b. 509 p. 82
Raymond L. Buchan – Apr. 23, 1925 – b. 511 p. 53 – deed correction
Raymond L. Buchan estate, Norman S. Buchan ,Extr. – Nov. 6, 1972 Probate
Victor L. Hatem – Nov. 15, 1972 – b. 1207 p. 767
Glenn G. & Jean E. Dudley – Oct. 8, 1975 – b. 1269 p. 116
James M. Kates & Joanna I. Scott – Aug. 31, 1978 – b. 1349 p. 509
John J. & Mary S. Krieger – July 1, 1983 – b. 1691 p. 247
Inventory Data:
Street | Lincoln St |
Place | West Center, West Parish |
Historic District | Andover Historic Building Survey |
Historic Name | George Buchan House |
Present Use | residence |
Original Use | residence |
Construction Date | 1864 |
Source | ERDS, NERDL, style, |
Architectural Style | Other |
Foundation | stone/cement |
Roof | asphalt/gable |
Outbuildings / Secondary Structures | two car garage |
Major Alterations | rear addition, vinyl siding, replacement windows |
Condition | good |
Acreage | 0.37879 acre |
Setting | residential |
Map and parcel | 71-73A |
Recorded by | James S. Batchelder |
Organization | Andover Preservation Commission |
Date entered | March 18, 2018 |