Historical Narrative:
1860 Nathan C. Abbot owns on both sides of North at Webster Street: 1852 Map Abbot is at 70 North St on the west side of the road. Basso place.
Herman Barnard bought the land on Apr. 14, 1820 from his father John Barnard Jr. which had a barn on the parcel. His father purchased from William Lovejoy on Feb. 5, 1798 but recorded on April 14, 1820. Lovejoy bought from Rev. Barnard's son Edward of Salem, on June 26, 1794. Deeds trace back to Rev. Edward Barnard of Haverhill and Francis Faulkner and wife Abigail.
Herman Barnard was born May 9, 1794, son of John Jr. & Lydia Barnard. Herman married on July 4, 1822 to Elizabeth “Betsy” Stickney, b. Apr. 22, 1799 dau. of Abraham & Abigail Stickney. Elizabeth joined South Church on May 2, 1819 and was one of the founding members of West Parish Church on Dec.5, 1826 #52. Herman & Betsy had six children: Herman E. bpt. Oct. 3, 1824, Abraham Stickney b. July 22, 1826, Horatio b. Apr. 22, 1829, Charles Warren bpt. Sept. 4, 1831 - d. Nov. 25, 1838, 7y 9m., Eliza Ann and Charles Porter both baptized Sept. 3, 1843. Charles P. was a POW, fought at Spotsylvania, VA and Annapolis, MD died Dec. 2, 1864 age 23.
Nathan Chandler Abbott purchased the Barnard farm at 70 North St. on March 20, 1835. Nathan paid $1200 for the 65 acre farm. Nathan sometimes known as Chandler Abbott was born Jan 17, 1807 in Andover, son of Benjamin & Rhoda (Chandler) Abbott. Nathan was a yeoman. The 1850 Valuation Schedule lists Nathan C. Abbott – Dwelling house $350, Barn & shed $100, 62 acre home farm $1420, 15 acre East of road $450, 2 acre meadow $34 = $2354 Farm stock F.S. $190.
The 1850 census agriculture schedule lists; 1 horse, 4 milk cows, 7 working oxen, 3 other cattle, 3 sheep and 3 swine. 70 improved land 20 acres unimproved.
Nathan’s marriage intention filed on Dec. 6, 1836 to Hannah Ballard Grant b. Sept. 1815 in Peterborough, NH. Nathan & Hannah had seven children, four survived them; Nathan Gilbert b. Oct. 2, 1837, bpt. May 20, 1838, Charles Jonathan bpt. Aug. 23, 1840 – d. Aug. 5, 1841 19m 7d, George William b. 1842 – d. Feb. 17, 1851 8y 8m 19d, Hannah Maria b. Feb. 8, 1845, Warren Grant b. Dec. 3, 1848, Edward Francis b. July 22, 1852, and Gayton Chandler b. 1858 – d. Mar. 8, 1863.
Oldest son Nathan Gilbert Abbot lived with his parents and worked the farm with his father. He was known as Gilbert. He married Jan. 12, 1869 in Lowell, MA to Mary V. Liddell b. Aug. 2, 1837 in Quebec, Canada, dau. of William & Catherine Liddell. Nathan’s wife Hannah died on Aug. 24, 1873 age 57. Nathan sold the 15 acre parcel of land on the east side of the road to Gilbert on Aug. 1, 1877. Gilbert and Mary did not have children. Nathan C. died on May 23, 1879 age 72. He was interred in West Parish Garden Cemetery. His estate went to his children each with a portion of the homestead farm. Gilbert held ½ of the house, Edward held ¼ share of the home Warren G. and Hannah Marie each held portions.
The Nathan C. Abbott homestead was sold to Dennis Riordan, of Lawrence, MA on Sept. 28, 1897 by the siblings. Dennis Riordan died and his son Dennis A. was assigned via Probate on
Mar. 6, 1905. Dennis A. then sold to Michael A. Toomey on Mar. 27, 1905. Michael owned for three years when he died on July 28, 1908. Dennis Toomey was the administrator of the estate.
Dennis Toomey took a mortgage with the Andover Savings Bank for $1800 in March 1909 and the following year sold the property to Ella S. Day on May 5, 1910.
Ella Day sold off six acres of land to Philomena Ferland on Oct. 11, 1915. Ella died in 1918 and her estate was inherited by her heirs. Charles A. Day and Mrs. Lina Lee each held ½ undivided share of the homestead property on Mar. 17, 1919. The Andover 1920 Valuation lists Heirs Day and Lee; House $800, Barn & shed $400, 32 ½ acres $1225 = $2875.
With the death of Charles A. Day the estate was sold to Frank & Marie Morin on May 2, 1921 Frank & Marie Morin. The Morins divided off lots along North St. built a home at 74 North St. and sold the homestead farm to Arthur G. & Rita M. Chamberlain on Apr. 5, 1947. Chamberlain then sold to Austin L. Basso of Lawrence on June 9, 1947. Basso would be the last family to farm the land.
The house and barns were razed and Somerset Drive and Norwich Place were created on the former 64 acre farmland on the west side of North Street.
Essex County Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence, MA
Plan #5951 – Dec. 12, 1968 – Basso farm
70 North St.
Rev. Edward Barnard’s Estate
Edward Barnard of Salem son, heir - Probate
William Lovejoy - June 26, 1794 – b. 161 leaf 181 – 52 pds. 10 shillings - 21a 45 rds
John Barnard Jr. – Feb. 5, 1798 rec. Apr. 14, 1820 – b. 222 leaf 231
Herman & Elizabeth Barnard – Sept. 15, 1820 – b. 228 leaf 217
Nathan Chandler Abbott, wife Hannah – Mar. 20, 1835 – b. 281 leaf 54 – $1200 65a w. side
Nathan Gilbert Abbott - Nov. 17, 1877 - b. 49 p. 329
Nathan Chandler Abbott estate, heirs - May 23, 1879
Nathan Gilbert Abbott - Jan. 23, 1880 - b. 58 p. 391 – ½ house, barn & shed
Edward Francis Abbott – Jan. 22, 1880 – b. 58 p. 393 – 3/8 house, ¼ barn, ½ shed
Dennis Riordan – Sept. 28, 1897 – b. 157 p. 516 & 517 - releases
Dennis Riordan – Dec. 5, 1898 – b. 166 p. 106 – release of Right of way
Dennis Riordan estate, Dinnis A. Riordan – Mar. 6, 1905 – Probate
Michael A. Toomey – Mar. 27, 1905 – b. 218 p. 274
Michael A. Toomey estate, Dennis Toomey, Adm. – Feb. 23, 1909 – Probate
Dennis Toomey – Mar. 10, 1909 – b. 270 p. 553-4 mtg.
Ella S. Day – May 5, 1910 – b. 289 p. 92
Ella S. Day estate, Mar. 17, 1919 – b. 396 p. 166 - Probate
Day heirs; Charles A. Day and Mrs. Lina Lee – ½ each – Mar. 17, 1919
Charles A. Day estate, Brainard E. Smith, Extr. – ½ property
Frank & Marie Morin – May 2, 1921 – b. 439 p. 428 - Day ½
Frank & Marie Morin – May 2, 1921 – b. 439 p. 429 – Lee ½
Elsa B. Frederick –– Sept. 30, 1924 - b. 504 p. 597
Frank & Marie Morin – Oct. 6, 1924 - b. 504 p. 596
Arthur G. & Rita M. Chamberlin – Apr. 5, 1947 – b. 695 p. 509
Austin L. Basso – June 9, 1947 – b. 698 p. 420
Austin L. & Angela Basso – Mar. 30, 1953 – b. 774 p. 182
Robert N. Bedard & Gary A. Bedard – Sept. 12, 1986 – b. 2302 p. 87
Samos Builders, Inc. of Salem, NH – July 16, 1987 – b. 2547 p. 12
Inventory Data:
Street | North St |
Place | West Parish - North District |
Historic Name | Herman Barnard - Nathan C. Abbott Homestead |
Present Use | Residential complex |
Original Use | farmhouse |
Construction Date | 1820-1824 |
Source | ERDS, NERDL, style, |
Architectural Style | Federal |
Foundation | stone & granite |
Wall/Trim | Clapboard/wood |
Roof | asphalt/gable |
Outbuildings / Secondary Structures | barn and sheds |
Condition | razed |
Demolished? | Yes |
Demolition Details | 1988, razed for house development |
Acreage | 5.2 acres |
Setting | residential |
Map and parcel | 128-7 |
Recorded by | James S. Batchelder |
Organization | Andover Preservation Commission |
Date entered | Oct. 27, 2018 |