Architectural Description:
corner pilasters, entablature, rear ell, Italianate two story bay window and entrance porch. enclosed west side porch, 6 over 6 sash.
1980 - Clean, strong Greek Revival design, almost overwhelmed by Italianate additions, showing evolution of a 19th Century farmhouse.
Intact farm complex in great disrepair; important grouping and intact setting. Bay window additions in Andover popular 1870-1890's
Historical Narrative:
The 1830 map of Andover lists B. [Bodwell] Lovejoy at this location with J. Shattuck northwest of Lovejoy.
This farm was the homestead of Isaac Lovejoy Jr., b. Mar. 16, 1757, son of Isaac & Deborah (Sheldon) Lovejoy. Isaac married on Nov. 12, 1778 in Methuen to Mary "Polly" Morse b. Feb. 14, 1758, dau. of William & Phebe (Bodwell) Morse. Isaac & Mary had eight children: Isaac b. 2/12/1780, Bodwell b. 3/4/1782, Mary "Polly" b. 6/8/1784, William b. 9/15/1786, Lemuel b. 1/28/1789, Phebe b. 12/5/1790, Henry b. 4/22/1793 and Anna Pottle b. 1/9/1796.
Isaac sold half of his 96 acre homestead farm to his son Bodwell for $1500 including buildings on May 27, 1820. Isaac reserved the right to use and improve the place for the remained of his natural life. Isaac died at age 75 on Dec. 8, 1832 but sadly Bodwell had died six days earlier at age 51 on Dec.2. and his 17 year old daughter Lucretia died on Nov. 28, 1832. All were interred at West Parish Cemetery. Isaac's wife Mary died on April 17, 1835 and Bodwell's wife Sally was then heir of 1/3 of the estate.
Bodwell married Sally Poor on Dec. 31, 1805. They had six children; Sally Kimball b. 7/26/1810, Catherine b. 10/30/1812, Daniel Bodwell b.12/27/1817, Phebe b. 10/28/1820, Lucinda bp. 10/3,/1824 - d. 11/28/1832, and Abiah bpt. 10/3/1824. Bodwell died on Dec. 2, 1832 intestate and portions of the homestead property were sold off. Sally Lovejoy died Oct. 24, 1850. The 1850 Andover Valuation lists Widow Sally; 1/3 Dwelling house $120, 1/3 barn $42, 10 1/2 adj. acres $210, 2 acre Young wood $60 = $432. Heirs of Bodwell Lovejoy held; 2/3 Dwelling house $240, 2/3 barn $84, 31 1/2 adjoining acres $630, 4 a. Young wood $120 = $1074.
Timothy Bailey 3rd purchased the property of Aaron Sayer Jr., a blacksmith, on Jan. 6, 1840 for $975 which the deed states “the same I now reside and occupy”. Also two other parcels called Holts Orchard and Round Swamp. Aaron Sawyer purchased at auction a portion of Bodwell Lovejoy’s estate on Aug. 29, 1833 from Solomon Holt for $616.85. It contained 17 acres 40 rods.
Timothy Bailey 3rd b. Nov. 29, 1812 was the oldest child of Timothy Jr. & Henrietta “Ritta” (Blood) Bailey who had ten children. Timothy’s marriage intention to Lucy Ann Stevens was entered on May 23, 1842. Timothy and Lucy had four children, James Henry b. July 24, 1843, Charles W. b. Nov. 21, 1845, Lucy Ann b. June 9, 1849 and George Otis b. Feb. 2, 1851. Sadly Timothy died of consumption on Nov. 18, 1851. The 1850 Valuation of Tim Bailey 3rd: Hose. $170, shed $20, 30 acres home farm $936, 10 acres Pitt's lot $140, 3 1/2 acres young wood $70 = $1336. Farm stock $104.
His brother Rufus Bailey purchased this property on Aug. 9, 1852 from Erza Stevens for $450. It was the remaining 2/3 share of the home farm from Timothy Bailey 3rd and Lucy A. Bailey dowry.
Rufus R. Bailey was born Aug. 9, 1823, youngest son of Timothy Jr. and Ritta Bailey. Rufus married Dec. 31, 1856 at West Parish Church to Tryphena O. (Walker) Boise b. Jan. 15, 1830 Troy, Orleans, VT, dau. of Humphry & Zelina (Waldo) Walker. Rufus and Tryphena had one son Nathan Rufus b. Oct. 1857. Nathan worked the farm with his father Rufus. The 1860 census lists Rufus property: 1/3 dwelling house, $100, 2/3 Barn $200, 20 adj. acres $360, 14 acres McLary land $298, 10 acre Pitts lot $298 = #1256 and 44 acres. Farm stock $160.
The 1870 Valuation for the farm; House $450, Barn $325, 24 acre home farm $675, 14 acre Abbot land $300, 5 acre Holt Orchard $180, 10 acre Pitts lot $250 = $2180 – farm stock $302.
Son Nathan Bailey married on Dec. 27, 1887 to Lizzie Frances Stevens b. Dec. 1861, dau. of Abiel & Frances (Jowett) Stevens. They lived on the farm with Nathan’s parents. Tryphena died Oct. 3, 1903 age 74y 8m and Rufus died July 12, 1911 age 87y 11m. They are interred at West Parish Cemetery. Nathan inherits the farm.
Nathan R. and Lizzie had five sons; Nathan Frances b. May 9, 1889, Rufus Stevens b. June 19, 1890, Charles H. b. June 1892 – d. Sept. 2, 1892, William Henry b. Jan. 22, 1894 and George Edward b. Sept. 18, 1895. Son Nathan F., known as Frank, would become a pay clerk at the Washington Mills in Lawrence. All three brothers, Rufus, William and George worked in the woolen mills in 1920. George returned to farming after the death of their father Nathan on Oct. 7, 1920. Lizzie died on Feb. 23, 1930 and George on Nov. 2, 1930. The 1920 Valuation list Nathan R.: House $1100, barn & shed $700, 31 acres home farm $1200, 11¼ acres North District $400, 14 acres near River $400, 10 acres woodland Pitts lot Bailey District $250 = $4050.
Rufus S. married on Jan. 14, 1914 to Estella M. E. Tardiff b. 1894 in Charlestown, MA dau. of Jerry and Annie (Simano) Tardiff. They had a daughter Irene b. 1915. Lived at 652 Andover St. in Lawrence and worked for the American Woolen Co.
Nathan F. “Frank” married Genevieve “Jennie” Chlebowski b. Jan. 31, 1906 in Lawrence, dau. of Stanislaus and Anna (Banka) Chlebowski. Nathan and Jennie had two children; Anna Frances b. Mar. 1, 1924 and Francis William b. Sept. 29, 1926. They lived on the homestead. Nathan died on Feb. 2, 1960.
William H. Bailey worked in the Ayer Mills in Lawrence, never married and was the last Bailey that lived at the homestead. William died in November 1967.
The farm was known as "Twin Brook Farm" The barn was harvested and shipped to California. The posts and beams structure was built of Chestnut.
Essex Country Registry Deeds, Salem, MA
Essex Northern Registry Deeds, Lawrence. MA - Bailey history, census records, Andover Vital Records
West Parish Garden Cemetery records
Andover Valuation Schedules, 1850, 1860, 1870
Isaac Lovejoy, wife Mary -
Bodwell Lovejoy - May 20, 1820 - b. 226 leaf 67 - 1/2 of farm
Bodwell Lovejoy estate, Solomon Holt Adm. – July 1833 – Probate
Aaron Sawyer – Aug. 29, 1833 – b. 281 leaf 70 - $616,85 rec. 4/16/1835
Timothy Bailey 3rd – Jan. 6, 1840 rec. 9/23/1841 – b. 327 leaf 80 - $975
Timothy Bailey 3rd estate – died Nov. 18, 1851, heir wid. Lucy A. Bailey
Ezra Stevens – Apr. 18, 1852
Rufus Bailey – Apr. 15, 1852, rec. 1/13/1858 – b. 564 leaf 68 2/3 of home farm
Rufus Bailey, Charles W. Bailey, Steven Barker, guardians Lucy Ann Bailey - Apr.11, 1867 - b. 721 leaf 158
Rufus Bailey - April 11, 1867 - b. 721 leaf 159
Rufus Bailey estate, Nathan R. Bailey heir - died July 12, 1911 - probate will
Nathan R. & Lizzie F. (Stevens) Bailey -
Nathan R. Bailey estate, Lizzie F. Bailey heir - died Oct. 4, 1920 - by probate #137554
Lizzie F. Bailey estate, Feb. 23, 1930 - Probate #166741
Nathan Francis & Genevieve Bailey, heirs - 1930
William H. Bailey - June 19, 1936 - b. 598 p. 598
William H. Bailey estate – Nov. 1967, Barbara Bailey & Laurie Allen heirs
James Toye sold off a portion of his land to Rufus Bailey on Aug. 21, 1867 - b. 729 leaf 183
Inventory Data:
Street | River Rd |
Place | West Andover - North School District |
Historic District | Not Applicable |
Historic Name | Bodwell Lovejoy - Timothy Bailey 3rd House |
Present Use | abandoned 1980 |
Original Use | Farmhouse-residence |
Construction Date | 19th century 1820 - 1830 |
Source | ERDS, ENRDL, assessers' rec./style-njs |
Architectural Style | Federal |
Foundation | stone & granite |
Wall/Trim | clapboard/wood |
Roof | asphalt - gable |
Outbuildings / Secondary Structures | sheds and barn |
Major Alterations | Bay windows to front facade and entry porch |
Condition | razed 1983 |
Move Details | House razed in 1981, barn razed Feb. 1983 |
Demolished? | Yes |
Demolition Details | Feb 1983 |
Setting | now abandoned fields and orchard |
Map and parcel | 142-6 |
Recorded by | N. J. Stack/Mofford, James Batchelder |
Organization | Andover Preservation Commission |
Date entered | 1975 - 1977, 10/2/2015 |