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showing results 541 to 560 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
50 Chestnut St 50 Chestnut Street
Berry Carriage house - Frost House
1895 - 1896 Not Applicable Queen Anne
Circa 1900 - Berry family in front 52 Chestnut Street
J. Warren Berry House
1895 - 1896 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 54 Chestnut Street 1885 - 1886 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 57 Chestnut Street
Gutterson - Dalton House
1912 Not Applicable Shingle
60 Chestnut Street
Higginson House
1888 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 61 Chestnut Street
Nathan Abbot House
1889 Not Applicable Queen Anne
62 Chestnut St 62 Chestnut Street
George Higgins House
1894 - 1895 Not Applicable Shingle
June 2015 63 Chestnut Street
William B. & Annie D. Cheever House
1893 -1895 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 64 Chestnut Street
George Higgins - Thomas Rhodes House
1894 - 1895 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 66 Chestnut Street
George E. & Isabelle Holt House
1895 - 1897 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
June 2015 67 Chestnut Street 1883 - 1884 Not Applicable
June 2015 70 Chestnut Street
Harry C. Dalton House
1921 - 1922 Andover Historic Building Survey
June 2015 71 Chestnut Steet
William Harnden Foster House
1911 Not Applicable Shingle
Sept. 20, 2019 72 Chestnut Street 1884 - 1887 Not Applicable
June 2015 73 - 75 Chestnut Street 1911 - 1916 Not Applicable Queen Anne
79-81 Chestnut St 79-81 Chestnut Street
Anderson - MacDonald House
1912 - 1915 Andover Historic Building Survey Colonial Revival
80 Chestnut Street 1915 - 1916 Not Applicable
May 2016 83 Chestnut Street
Floyd W. & Gertrude C. Eastman House
1916 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
May 2016 87 Chestnut Street
Comeau - Anderson House
1911 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
May 2016 89 Chestnut Street
Francis - Morrill House
1911 - 1912 Not Applicable Other
showing results 541 to 560 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)