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showing results 561 to 580 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
May 2016 95 Chestnut Street
Frederick S. Boutwell house
1911 Not Applicable
May 2016 96 Chestnut Street 1895 - 1896 Not Applicable
May 2016 97 Chestnut Street
Metzner - Spinney House
1912 Not Applicable Other
98 Chestnut St. 98 Chestnut St
Charles & Sarah Donovan house
1892 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 99 Chestnut Street
Annie T. Stevenson House
1912 Not Applicable Other
May 2016 101 Chestnut Street
Elizabeth A. & George W. Fraize House
1915 Not Applicable
May 2016 102 Chestnut Street
Patrick J. & Catherine Barrett House
1907 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 103 Chestnut Street 1916 Not Applicable
May 2016 105 Chestnut Street
Smith - Monro House
1920 Not Applicable Other
May 2016 107 Chestnut Street 1921 Not Applicable
May 2016 109 Chestnut Street 1924 - 1930 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
May 2016 111 Chestnut Street 1915 - 1916 Not Applicable
May 2016 113 Chestnut Street 1915 - 1916 Not Applicable
May 2016 115 Chestnut Street
Nathan C. & Ruth R. Hamblin House
1919 - 1920 Not Applicable
May 2016 117 Chestnut Street
Annie S. Alley House
1917 - 1918 Not Applicable
May 2016 119 Chestnut Street
Dorothy & Osborne Sutton House
1919 - 1920 Not Applicable
May 2016 123 Chestnut Street
John H. & Bessie G. McDonald House
1915 - 1916 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
May 2016 129 Chestnut Street
Frank S. & Lilla M. McDonald House
1915 - 1916 Not Applicable
May 2016 141 Chestnut Street Not Applicable Other
May 2016 155 Chestnut Street 1859 ? Andover Historic Building Survey
showing results 561 to 580 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)