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showing results 341 to 360 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
9 Canterbury St 9 Canterbury Street
Smith & Dove Co. "Back Row" or Gilman - Holt House
1850 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
Oct. 2114 10 Canterbury Street
Albert E. & Irma A. Curtis House
1921 - 1922 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2114 11 Canterbury Street
Ennis - Ashton - Martin House
1921 - 1922 Not Applicable Queen Anne
Oct. 2114 12 Canterbury Street
Holt - Bird House
1921 - 1922 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2114 13 Canterbury Street
Garfield S. & Harriet S. Chase House
1920 - 1921 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2114 14 Canterbury Street
MacLellan - Merchant House
1921 - 1922 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2114 16 Canterbury Street
Koellen - Miller House
1921 - 1922 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2114 18 Canterbury Street
Harold A. & Meta B. Rutter House
1921 - 1922 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
60 Canterbury St 60 Canterbury Street
Andover Country Club
1924 - 1926 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
Nov. 2014 1 Carisbrooke Street
Schulze - McIntye House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 2 Carisbrooke Street
William & Elizabeth Wilkinson House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 3 Carisbrooke Street
Byron & Maude J. Hall House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 4 Carisbrooke Street
Mulvey - Keaney House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Shingle
Nov. 2014 5 Carisbrooke Street
Hervey & Bertha Guertin House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 6 Carisbrooke Street
Bushold - Brown House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 7 Carisbrooke Street
Harold & Theodora Hathaway House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 8 Carisbrooke Street
Donald - Donnelly House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
June 2014 9 Carisbrooke Street
Frederick & Elsie F. Wainwright House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 10 Carisbrooke Street
Percy & Frances Nutton House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 11 Carisbrooke Street
Henry & Anna Utley House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
showing results 341 to 360 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)