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showing results 221 to 231 of 2044


address construction date historic district architectural style
Aug. 8, 2016 32 - 34 Center Street
Ballard Vale Company Tenement
1849 - 1850 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 33 Center Street
Gollan - Bruce House
1920 - 1921 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Craftsman/Bungalow
36 Center Street
Block #3 - Ballard Vale Machine Shop Co.
1848 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 37 Center Street
Schooner Block
1954 - 1955 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 43 Center Street
Caldwell - Taylor - Holroyd House
1847 - 1848 Ballardvale Local Historic District Other
Aug. 1, 2016 48 - 48A Center Street
Ballardvale Mills Double Worker Housing
1857 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 50 - 50 A Center St 1882 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 51 Center Street 1850's - 1860's Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 55 Center Street
Buzzell - Bennett House
1851 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 59 Center Street
Henry L. & Sarah F. Clukey House
1887 - 1890 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 8, 2016 60 Center Street
Charles H. Marland Tenament Block
1884 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
showing results 221 to 231 of 2044


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)