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showing results 641 to 650 of 2043


address construction date historic district architectural style
Aug. 1, 2016 17 - 19 Marland Street 1883 - 1885 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
22 Marland St 22 Marland Street circa 1864 - 1865 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
24 Marland St 24 Marland Street circa 1864 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
26 Marland St 26 Marland Street
Mary Holmes House
1848 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
27 Marland St 27 Marland Street
Ambrose & Elizabeth Howell House
1865 - 1869 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
28-30 Marland St 28-30 Marland Street
Neville - Howell house
1865 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
Aug. 1, 2016 32 Marland Street
Albert & Clara M. Clemons House
1886 - 1887 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Queen Anne
33 Marland St 33 Marland Street 1893 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
3 Moraine St. 1977 3 Moraine Street
David Leslie House
1896 Not Applicable Queen Anne
no image available NA Morton Street Not Applicable Other
showing results 641 to 650 of 2043


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)