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showing results 721 to 738 of 2051


address construction date historic district architectural style
Aug. 2015 19 Fleming Ave 1975 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
1 Fletcher St - circa 1932 1 Fletcher Street
Eastwood - Quinlin House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
2 Fletcher St - circa 1932 2 Fletcher Street
Furness - Pacheco House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
3 Fletcher St - circa 1932 3 Fletcher Street
Walter & Rose Shaw House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 4 - 6 Fletcher Street
The Tomkins - Jackson House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 5 Fletcher Street
Wilfred & Bertha Dwyer House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 5-7 Fletcher St
Wilfred & Bertha Dwyer House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District
8 Fletcher St - circa 1932 8 Fletcher Street
William & Helen Burnham House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
9 Fletcher St - circa 1932 9 Fletcher Street
Colgan - Winter House
1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
10 Fletcher St. now 3 Kenilworth St. 10 Fletcher Street
Frederick B. & Evelyn H. Cole House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 11 Fletcher Street
The Cote – Wright House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 12 - 14 Fletcher Street
The Mayo - Demers House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 13 - 15 Fletcher Street
Foster - Caruso House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 16 Fletcher Street
John F. & Margaret B. Craig House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 17 Fletcher Street
Daniel & Edith Richard House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 18 Fletcher Street
Carlton & Marjorie Miller House
1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Fletcher Street Andover Townsman 2/16/1956 21 Fletcher Street
Cross Coal Co. pocket - Acme Concrete Inc.
1926 Not Applicable
May 9, 2016 6 Florence Street 1895 - 1900 Andover Historic Building Survey
showing results 721 to 738 of 2051


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)