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showing results 894 to 912 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
June 3, 2014 410 High Plain Road
Boutwell Barn
1855 - 1860 Not Applicable Other
412 High Plain Rd 412 High Plain Road
Kearn House
1984 Not Applicable Other
Punchard - Barnard House circa 1895 8 High Street
Punchard - Barnard House
1848 Individual National Register Listing Greek Revival
12 High St 12 High Street
Henry W. & Mabel P. Barnard, House
1897-1898 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
16 High St 16 High Street
Herman Abbot House
1820 Not Applicable Federal
21 High St 21 High Street
Tyer - Bickell House
1872 - 1873 Not Applicable Second Empire
22-24 High St 22-24 High Street
John J. & Margaret McCarthy House
1919 - 1920 Not Applicable Second Empire
25 High St 25 High Street
Robert & Mary A. Simpson House
1845 - 1846 Andover Historic Building Survey Greek Revival
29 High St 29 High Street
James & Sarah Higgins House
c.1840's Not Applicable Federal
33 High St 33 High Street
Pearson, Dr. Abiel House
1795 Not Applicable Federal
34 High St 34 High Street
Pulaski Woodman - Benj. Hayward House
c.1850 Not Applicable Federal
36 High St 36 High Street
Sylvester Merrill House
1840 - 1850 Not Applicable Other
37 & 37R High St. -  Feb. 2018 37 High Street
John Brown - Arthur Bliss House
1848 Not Applicable Greek Revival
38 High St 38 High Street
Wilbur - Kydd House - AKA Merrill House
c. 1880 Not Applicable Other
40 High St 40 High Street
Rev. Henry Wilbur - Joel Jenkins House
1850's Not Applicable Gothic Revival
43 High St. 2018 43 High St.
Herman Abbot Jr. House
circa 1852 - 1855 Not Applicable Italianate
44-46 High St. Nov. 16, 2015 44 - 46 High Street
Ames - Boynton House
1820-1824 Not Applicable Federal
Sept. 7, 2018 48 - 50 High St 48-50 High Street 1868-1870 Not Applicable
52-54 High St. Nov. 11, 2015 52-54 High Street
Marshall - Poor- Sherman House
circa 1830-1835 Not Applicable
showing results 894 to 912 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)