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showing results 1621 to 1640 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
41 River St 41 River Street
Richard Boynton house
1856 - 1860 Not Applicable Other
42 River St 42 River Street 1848 - 1850 Not Applicable Greek Revival
54 River St 54 River Street
Wood - Trautmann House
1867 - 1870 Not Applicable Other
Nov. 2014 2 Riverina Road
Shawsheen Market building
1940 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
14 Riverina Rd 14 Riverina Road
Andrew - Bolia House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
16 Riverina Rd 16 Riverina Road
Waldemar & Marjorie von Scheven House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 18 Riverina Road
Warhurst - Anson House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 20 Riverina Road
Alphonse & Mildred Caliri House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 22 Riverina Road
Rapa - Menzie House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 24 Riverina Road
Edward & Vivian O'Donnell House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District
Nov. 2014 26 Riverina Road
Percy R. Walter & Ethel B. Davis House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 28 Riverina Road
Newcomb - Wilson House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
30 Riverina Rd 30 Riverina Road
Costello - Barry House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 2014 32 Riverina Road 1955 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
4 Rocky Hill Rd 4 Rocky Hill Road
Justin & Mary R. Carter House
1855 - 1860 Not Applicable Greek Revival
21 Rocky Hill Rd 21 Rocky Hill Road
Mason House
1853 -1855 Not Applicable Other
Russell House 1976 razed 1983 28 Rocky Hill Road
Russell Farm - Uriah Russell Homestead
1780 - 1820 Not Applicable Other
Hardy - Adams House - 2008 - Shuman Admission Center 7 Salem Street
Hardy - Adams House - Phillips Academy
1804 Academy Hill NRH District Other
Bulfinch Hall May 2015 11 Salem Street
Bulfinch Hall - Brick Academy
1819 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
17 Salem St 17 Salem Street
Oliphant - Pierson - Merrill House
ca. 1850's Academy Hill NRH District Other
showing results 1621 to 1640 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)