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showing results 1635 to 1653 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
202 Shawsheen Rd 202 Shawsheen Road
Holt - Blake - Hardy House
1880 West Parish Center NRH District Queen Anne
207 Shawsheen Rd 207 Shawsheen Road 1940 West Parish Center NRH District Other
Grange Hall 1896 original location at 180 Lowell St. 212 Shawsheen Rd
Andover Grange Patrons of Husbandry #183
1895 West Parish Center NRH District
215 Shawsheen Rd 215 Shawsheen Road 1940 West Parish Center NRH District Other
Oct. 2015 5 Shepley Street
William & Ethel Hemsworth House
1922 - 1923 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2015 7 Shepley Street
Baillie - Duhamel House
1922 - 1923 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2015 9 Shepley Street
John H. & Rosann M. Grecoe House
1922 - 1923 Not Applicable
Oct. 2015 11 Shepley Street
John A. & Lillian C. Winters House
1922 - 1923 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Oct. 2015 13 Shepley Street
Arthur & Marilyn R. Arsenault House
1950 Not Applicable Other
June 2015 9 Sherbourne Street
Stahler - Kannan House
1950 - 1951 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
June 2015 10 Sherbourne Street 1922 - 1923 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
June 2015 12 Sherbourne Street 1923 - 1924 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
5 Smithshire Estates 5 Smithshire Estates
Forest Hill Barn
Mid 19th century Not Applicable Colonial Revival
6 Smithshire Estates 6 Smithshire Estates
Herrick - Winning Cottage
1830 Not Applicable Gothic Revival
July 6, 2016 234 South Main Street
Timothy Flagg House
1817 - 1820 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
238 Main St 238 South Main Street
Gould, Abraham House
1817 Academy Hill NRH District Other
242 South Main St 242 South Main Street
Scott - Horne - Resnik House
1913 Academy Hill NRH District Craftsman/Bungalow
244 South Main St 244 South Main Street
Leavitt-Newman House
1823-1825 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
Pearson House 1980 254 South Main Street
Pearson Farm
1850's Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
showing results 1635 to 1653 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)