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showing results 1293 to 1311 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
178 - 180 North Main St. - Aug. 2014 178 - 180 North Main Street
M. T. Stevens & Co. Mill housing
circa 1916 Not Applicable Other
182 - 184 North Main Street 182 - 184 North Main Street
M. T. Stevens & Co. Mill housing
circa 1916 Not Applicable Other
Franz store on the corner of No. Main and Harding Streets 183 North Main Street
John Harding House
late 18th century Andover Historic Building Survey
1950's detail - #186 in center - collection of Andover Historical Soc. 186 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1916 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
188 North Main St 188 North Main Street
Marland Mills Agent's House
early 19th century Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
190 - 192 North Main St. 1975 190 - 192 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1821-1830 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
194 No. Main Street 1975 194 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1821-1830 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
196 North Main St. - 1975 196 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1821-1830 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
198 North Main Street 1975 198 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1821-1930 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
200 - 202 North Main St. - Aug. 2014 200 - 202 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1870 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
204 - 210 No. Main St. - Aug. 2014 204 - 210 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1870 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
214 - 220 North Main St. - Aug. 2014 214 - 220 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1880-1884 Andover Village Industrial NRH District
222 - 226 North Main St.  July 2014 222-226 North Main Street
Marland Mills Worker Housing
circa 1880-1884 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
232 North Main St 232 North Main Street
Parker Richardson - William Sykes Marland House
early 19th century, circa 1828 Not Applicable Federal
Ledgecroft - Joyce Castle circa 1918 248 North Main Street
Ledgecroft - John Joyce Caslte
1913 Not Applicable
250 North Main St 250 North Main Street
The Croft - George W.W. Dove House
1866 & 1874 Not Applicable Italianate
260 North Main St 260 North Main Street
Orlando Cottage
ca. 1915 Individual National Register Listing Other
269 North Main St 269 North Main Street
The Coachman's House
1893 Not Applicable Queen Anne
Chauffeur’s Cottage – Beaulieu House 273 North Main Street
Chauffeur’s Cottage – Beaulieu House
1920 Not Applicable Other
showing results 1293 to 1311 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)