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showing results 461 to 480 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
56 Central St 56 Central Street
George Abbot House
1796 Central Street NRH District Georgian
57 Central St 57 Central Street
John Lovejoy Abbot House
1678 Central Street NRH District First Period
59 Central Street
Higgins, Solomon - Abbot, George House
1734 Central Street NRH District Georgian
60 Central St 60 Central Street
Don & Joan Larson House
1967 Central Street NRH District Other
63 Central St 63 Central Street
Anne Bartlett House
1911 Central Street NRH District Georgian Revival
64 Central St 64 Central Street - William Abbott – Sweeney House
William Abbott – Sweeney House
1880 Central Street NRH District Second Empire
65 Central St 65 Central Street
Benjamin Franklin Smith - Purdon, Col. Frank House
1874 Central Street NRH District Italianate
66 Central St 66 Central Street - Charles Higgins - Rebecca B. Mills House
Charles Higgins - Rebecca B. Mills House
1869-1870 Central Street NRH District Colonial Revival
67 Central St 67 Central Street
Jacob Farnum Carlton House
1857 Central Street NRH District Greek Revival
68 Central St 68 Central Street
Anna Foster - Samuel Fuller House
circa 1873 Central Street NRH District Second Empire
70 Central St. May 2014 70 Central Street 1998 Central Street NRH District Other
71 Central St 71 Central Street
Belknap, Lyman A. House
1889 Central Street NRH District Shingle
72 Central St 72 Central Street
Abbot, Daniel House
circa 1790 Central Street NRH District Federal
75 Central St 75 Central Street
Oliver W. Vernard House
1882 Central Street NRH District Greek Revival
81 Central St 81 Central Street 1850's Andover Historic Building Survey Gothic Revival
83 Central St 83 Central Street
Richard & Ida Major House
1893-1895 Not Applicable Other
1906 map detail of Central & Torr Streets 84 Central Street
John & Amanda Weeks House
1895-1896 Central Street NRH District Queen Anne
85 Central St 85 Central Street
Frye-Cooper House
1811 Not Applicable Other
no image available 86 Central Street
Ernest & Mary Hethrington House
1919 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
88 Central St 88 Central Street
Ballard, Sheribiah - Emery, Francis House
1717-1720 Central Street NRH District Georgian
showing results 461 to 480 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)