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showing results 521 to 540 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
21 Chester St 21 Chester Street
Quinn - Henaby - Zink House
1887 - 1890 Ballardvale Local Historic District Other
33 Chester St 33 Chester Street
Libbey - Burns - Forsythe House
1887 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
1 Chestnut St. circa 1900 Tyer House 1 Chestnut Street - Historic Site
Wm. Rice - Henry G. Tyer House
circa 1850 Italianate
2 Chestnut St 2 Chestnut Street
Abbot, Abner House/ Rose Cottage
1784 Central Street NRH District Georgian
5-7 Chestnut St 5-7 Chestnut Street
Sophrina & David Gray - George Foster Double House
1845 Andover Historic Building Survey Greek Revival
6 Chestnut St 6 Chestnut Street
Marland - Auty House
1875 - 1879 Not Applicable Greek Revival
8 Chestnut St. May 8, 2014 8 Chestnut Street
Nathaniel Swift Carriage House
circa 1830 Not Applicable
9 Chestnut St 9 Chestnut Street
Richards, Dr. James - Glazier, Florence House
1875 - 1876 Not Applicable Italianate
Eleven Chesnut Street Office Building - May 8, 2014 11 Chestnut Street - Historic Site
Thomas Howell house
1870s Not Applicable
12 Chestnut St. May 8, 2014 12 Chestnut Street
Jeremiah & Josephine Daly House
1925 - 1927 Not Applicable
15 Chestnut St. May 14, 2014 15 Chestnut Street
Helen & William H. Higgins House
1894 - 1895 Not Applicable
28 Chestnut St 28 - 30 Chestnut Street 1989 Not Applicable Other
June 2015 32 Chestnut Street
John & Mary E. Sweeney House
1909 - 1910 Not Applicable Queen Anne
33 Chestnut St 33 Chestnut Street
Andover Townsman Building
1991 Not Applicable Other
June 2015 38 Chestnut Street
Dailey House
1889 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 40 Chestnut St
Bacigalupo - Donovan - Dowd House
1887 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 42 Chestnut Street
Walter & Phebe Coleman House
1888 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 44 Chestnut Street
Jenkins - Lindholm House
1888-1890 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 46 Chestnut Street
Jenkins - Pomeroy - McCarthy house
1885 - 1886 Not Applicable Queen Anne
June 2015 48 Chestnut Street 1888 - 1890 Not Applicable Queen Anne
showing results 521 to 540 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)