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showing results 1310 to 1326 of 2050


address construction date historic district architectural style
2 Railroad St. circa 1950 - collection of Cecil Nicoll 2 Railroad St
B&M Railroad Gate Keeper's House
1847 - 1848 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
Richdale Food Store - Oct. 2014 10 Railroad Street
Christy's Market - Richdale Food Store
1972 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
15 Railroad St 15 Railroad Street
Abbot Village/Boston & Maine RR
ca 1850 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
Teatone 2014 17 Railroad Street
Walkup Garage building
1959 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
Detail from Smith & Dove Mfg. Co. image 1910 - McDonald's home 18 Railroad St
Jonathan Merrill Homestead
1830's Andover Village Industrial NRH District
Byers - McDonald House at bottom of 1910 image 18 Railroad Street
Merrill - Byers - McDonald House
circa 1840 - 1845 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
Andover Condominiums 2014 22 Railroad St
Andover Condominiums
1987 Andover Village Industrial NRH District
Tyer Rubber Company new plant 1912 30 Railroad Street
Tyer Rubber Company
1912 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
Whole Foods Market 2014 in the old TRCo annex 40 Railroad Street
Tyer Rubber Co. Annex
1953 - 1954 Andover Village Industrial NRH District International
April 17, 2021 Rattlesnake Hill Rd 7 Rattlesnake Hill Rd
Horace Abijah Mason House
1878 Not Applicable Greek Revival
45 Rattlesnake Hill Rd 45 Rattlesnake Hill Road
Arthur J. & Clara Smith House
1922 - early 20th cent. Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
47 Rattlesnake Hill Rd -South view 47 Rattlesnake Hill Road
Butters - Gibbs House
1855-1863 Not Applicable Other
9 Red Spring Rd 9 Red Spring Road
Old Tavern House
early 19th century Andover Village Industrial NRH District Georgian
2008 17 Red Spring Road early 19th century Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
18-20 Red Spring Rd 18-20 Red Spring Rd
Abbot Mill
mid 19th century Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
Dye and Bleach house #18 20 Red Spring Rd
Smith & Dove Manf. Co. Mills
1894 - 1895 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
29 Red Spring Rd 1992 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
showing results 1310 to 1326 of 2050


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)