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showing results 1641 to 1660 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
Circa 1920 - Collection of Phillips Academy 18 Salem Street
Blanchard - Clough House
1785-1789 Academy Hill NRH District Georgian
19 Salem St [ June 19, 2015 19 Salem Street
Benner House
1928 Academy Hill NRH District Georgian Revival
Blunt Tavern - Berry House on right, Blanchard house on left. circa 1900 20 Salem Street
Blunt Tavern - Berry House
1764 Academy Hill NRH District Georgian
July 2013 23 Salem Street
Butterfield House
1860-1870 Academy Hill NRH District Other
Sept. 11, 2017 24 Salem Street
Newton - Hinman House - Phillips Academy
1921 - 1922 Academy Hill NRH District Colonial Revival
28-30 Salem St. - October 1997 28 - 30 Salem Street
Seminary House
1891 Academy Hill NRH District Italianate
34 Salem St 34 Salem Street
Ruby A. Carter - Mayer House - Phillips Academy
ca. 1880's Academy Hill NRH District Second Empire
Nov. 11, 2021 34-36 Salem Street
Moody House
circa 1895 Academy Hill NRH District Second Empire
39 Salem St. Nov. 11, 2021 39 Salem Street
Ralph & Constance Ingram House - Phillips Academy “Cole House”
1911 - 1912 Academy Hill NRH District
41 Salem St. Nov. 11, 2021 41 Salem Street
Mary & Etna J. Fletcher House – Phillips Academy – “Salem House”
1911 - 1912 Academy Hill NRH District Colonial Revival
42 Salem St. Nov. 11, 2021 42 Salem Street
"Hearsey House" by Phillips Academy
1924 Academy Hill NRH District Colonial Revival
Nov. 11, 2021 43 Salem Street
Hattie L. Irving - Mary J. Ingram House - Phillips Academy "Stirling House"
1909 - 1910 Academy Hill NRH District Craftsman/Bungalow
45 Salem St 45 Salem Street
Moore - Erving House
1865 - 1869 Academy Hill NRH District Italianate
1882 Birds Eye map Salem St. area - Griffin-Hammond house 46 Salem Street
Griffin - Hammond House
1790's Not Applicable
Sept. 11, 2017 48 Salem Street
Emery J. & Emma Trott Jouse
1935 Andover Historic Building Survey Colonial Revival
49 Salem St 49 Salem Street
William H. Foster House
ca. 1798 Andover Historic Building Survey Federal
52 Salem St 52 Salem Street
Rice - Richardson House
1811 - 1814 Andover Historic Building Survey Federal
53 Salem St 53 Salem Street
Moses & Betsey Wood House
1816 - 1817 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
54 Salem St 54 Salem Street
Gordon C. Cannon House
1897 Not Applicable Shingle
56 Salem St 56 Salem Street
Munro Leaf House
1958 Andover Historic Building Survey International
showing results 1641 to 1660 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)