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showing results 1781 to 1800 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
68 Stevens St 68 Stevens Street
Galber House
1942-1943 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
70 Stevens St 70 Stevens Street
Cook, Percy L. & Mary T., House
1942-1943 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
74 Stevens St. - Nov. 2008 74 Stevens Street
Wrigley House
1942-1943 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
75 Stevens St. - Nov. 2008 75 Stevens Street
William Gledhill House
circa 1845-1850 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
76 Stevens St 76 Stevens Street
Cronin - Pattulo House
1942-1943 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
77 Stevens St 77 Stevens Street
William Gledhill House
circa 1845-1850 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
80 Stevens St 80 Stevens Street
Miller - Hancock House
1942-1943 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
3 Stinson Rd 3 Stinson Road
Dole House
1853 -1855 Not Applicable Greek Revival
6 Stinson Rd 6 Stinson Road
Abbot-Stinson Farm
1720-1726 Individual National Register Listing Georgian
22 Stinson Rd 22 Stinson Road
Moses Abbot - Noah Abbott House
early 1800's - pre 1830's Not Applicable Federal
33 Stinson Rd 33 Stinson Road
Samuel & Sarah Gunnison House
1820's Andover Historic Building Survey Other
Aug. 2015 2 Stirling Street 1926 - 1927 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 3 Stirling Street 1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District
Aug. 2015 4 Stirling Street
Thomas T. & Louisa Clark Duplex
1925 - 1926 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 5 Stirling Street 1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Aug. 2015 6 Stirling Street 1925- 1926 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 7 - 9 Stirling Street 1948 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 8 Stirling Street
Koza - Child House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Aug. 2015 10 Stirling Street
Earl A. & Bertha R. Baker House
1921 - 1922 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
Aug. 2015 11 - 13 Stirling Street
Jones - Champey House
1948 - 1949 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
showing results 1781 to 1800 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)