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showing results 1711 to 1728 of 2051


address construction date historic district architectural style
56 Tewksbury St 56 Tewksbury Street
Walter Murray Homestead
1863 - 1865 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
58 Tewksbury St 58 Tewksbury Street 1887 Not Applicable Other
Nov. 2014 1 Union Street
Chinmaya - Maruti Center
2009 Not Applicable Other
9 Union St - 1990 9 Union Street
Walter S. & Clara C. Donald House
1874 Andover Historic Building Survey Colonial Revival
Oct. 2015 45 - 47 Union Street 1922 - 1923 Andover Historic Building Survey Colonial Revival
Oct. 2015 49 Union Street
Sylvester P. Smith House
1852 - 1854 Not Applicable Other
Oct. 2015 54 Union Street 1922 - 1923 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
14 Upland Rd 14 Upland Road
George Smith - Margaret E. Abbott House
1832 Not Applicable Other
14 Walnut Av 14 Walnut Avenue
Jeremiah & Margaret A. Fitzgerald House
1885 - 1905 Not Applicable Queen Anne
42 Walnut Av 42 Walnut Ave
Platt - White House
1915-1916 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
46 Walnut Av 46 Walnut Avenue 1913 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
Sept. 7, 2018 50 Walnut Avenue
Joseph M. Bradley house
1886 - 1887 Not Applicable Queen Anne
5 Washington Ave - June 25, 2020 5 Washington Avenue
Herbert F. Chase - Marie Yunggebauer House
1897 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
7 Washington Ave June 25, 2020 7 - 9 Washington Avenue
Lockhead - Krinsky House
1912 Andover Historic Building Survey Craftsman/Bungalow
June 25, 2020 11 Washington Avenue
Adam S. & Helen M. Lindsey House
1896-1897 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
13 Washington Ave June 25, 2020 13 Washington Avenue
David & Annie Gordon House
Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
June 25, 2020 19 Washington Avenue
Annie R. & Peter J. Saunders House
1900 - 1905 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
June 25, 2020 20 Washington Avenue
Charles & Bessie B. Tyler House
1896-1897 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
showing results 1711 to 1728 of 2051


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)