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showing results 742 to 760 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
April 2013 49 Essex Street 1905 - 1910 Not Applicable Italianate
53 Essex St & 70 Pearson St. - Depot House - 2002 53 Essex Street
Depot House
1852 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
55 Essex St. 1950 - Collection of Cecil Nicoll 55 Essex Street
The Gate Keepers House - Station Master's House
1847-1848 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
Detail of 1854 Birdseye drawing of Andover Village. 56 Essex St
Jeremiah Hurd - Isaac Carlton - Joseph A. Smart house
1829 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
59 Essex St. 2008 59 Essex Street
Niotus Clubhouse - Truland Store
1889 Andover Village Industrial NRH District
60-62 Essex St 60-62 Essex Street
Abbot Village Mills Worker Housing
1800 - 1820 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
63-65 Essex St 63-65 Essex Street
Abbot Village Mills Worker Housing
early 19th century circa 1818 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
Circa 1900 - 68 Essex St. note Brick Block, left rear 68 Essex Street
Abbott House - Keith House
1820-1830 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
69-71 Essex St 69-71 Essex Street
Abbot Village Mills Workers Housing
built 1830 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
70-84 Essex St 70-84 Essex Street
Smith & Dove Manf. Co. Apartment Building Workers
1902 -1905 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Shingle
75 Essex St. May 2014 75 Essex Street
Isaih Merrill - Skinner House
circa 1833 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
Circa 1924 Village Hall at center  77 Essex Street
Abbott Village Hall
1889 - 1890 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
85 Essex St. May 24, 2014 Henry's Auto Repair 85 Essex Street
Marland's Mill & Abbott Village Hall site
1949 -1950 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 4 Fleming Ave
James Robinson - John Barrett House
1847 - 1849 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 6-8 Fleming Ave 1923 - 1924 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 10 - 12 Fleming Ave 1923 - 1924 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 14 - 16 Fleming Ave 1923 - 1924 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 15 Fleming Ave 1964 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Aug. 2015 18 Fleming Ave 1923 - 1924 Shawsheen Village NRH District Colonial Revival
showing results 742 to 760 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)