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showing results 631 to 645 of 2048


address construction date historic district architectural style
3 Gray Road NW view 3 Gray Road
Holt District Schoolhouse
1869 Andover Historic Building Survey Gothic Revival
12 Gray Rd 12 Gray Road
Orlando & Lydia Abbot house
1865 (A.H.S. says 1775!), on 1830 Dorman map Andover Historic Building Survey Other
34 Gray Rd 34 Gray Road
James A. & Addie Lynch house
1930 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
Foxcroft Hall Sept. 11, 2017 3 Great Quad Road
Phillips Hall - Foxcroft Hall
1809 Academy Hill NRH District, Andover Historic Building Survey Federal
Samuel Phillips Hall - 2017 4 Great Quad Road
Samuel Phillips Hall
1924 Academy Hill NRH District, Andover Historic Building Survey Colonial Revival
Bartlet Hall - Sept. 11, 2017 5 Great Quad Road
Bartlet Hall
1821 Academy Hill NRH District, Andover Historic Building Survey Federal
Pearson Hall Sept. 11, 2017 6 Great Quad Rd
Bartlet Chapel - Pearson Hall
1818 Academy Hill NRH District, Andover Historic Building Survey Federal
Oliver Wendell Holmes Library, Sept. 11, 2017 7 Great Quad Road
Oliver Wendell Holmes Library
1929 Academy Hill NRH District, Andover Historic Building Survey Georgian Revival
98 Greenwood Rd
Peterson Farmhouse
1900 Andover Historic Building Survey
195 Greenwood Rd 195 Greenwood Road
Hannah M. & Thomas W. Dowling House
1916 Andover Historic Building Survey Craftsman/Bungalow
7 Haggetts Pond Rd 7 Haggetts Pond Road
Temple Emanuel
1980 Not Applicable Other
Haggett - Chase house circa 1900 west view 36 Haggetts Pond Road
Moses Haggett - Seth Chase House
1710 - 1720 First Period
48 Haggetts Pond Rd 48 Haggetts Pond Road
Haggetts Station Depot - Andrew K. & Grace I. Innes House
1866 - 1869 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
65 Haggetts Pond Rd 65 Haggetts Pond Road
Haggett-Burtt House
1700 - 1710 Not Applicable Georgian
1980 66 Haggetts Pond Road
MacKenzie House
1938 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
showing results 631 to 645 of 2048


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)