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showing results 921 to 940 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
20-A Hidden Field 20 Hidden Field
Quincy House
1937 Academy Hill NRH District Other
21 Hidden Field 21 Hidden Field
Robert Side's Residence
Not Applicable Other
22-R Hidden Field 22-R Hidden Field
Lowell House
1937 Academy Hill NRH District Other
22 Hidden Field 22 Hidden Field
Weld House
1937 Academy Hill NRH District Other
9 Hidden Rd 9 Hidden Road
Frank S. Crawford House
1920 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
12 Hidden Rd. - June 2014 12 Hidden Road
J. Edson & Barbara G. Andrews
1924 Not Applicable Shingle
15 Hidden Rd 15 Hidden Road
Abbot, Moses - Chandler, John House
ca. 1750 Not Applicable Other
16 Hidden Rd 16 Hidden Road
Hollan & Mary J. Garth House
1911-1915 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
17 Hidden Rd 17 Hidden Road
Chandler, Isaac - Hidden, David House
1811 - 1812 Not Applicable Other
22 Hidden Rd 22 Hidden Road
1898 Individual National Register Listing Shingle
2011 33 Hidden Road
Margaret G. Towle Carraige House
1909 - 1910 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
104 Hidden Rd 104 Hidden Road
Hinton House and Farm
1905 Not Applicable Other
142 Hidden Rd 142 Hidden Road
Jones - Bassett Farm
exact date uncertain - early 18th century; ?et. (before 1776) older than outward appearance indicates. Not Applicable Georgian
7 High Plain Rd 7 High Plain Road
Herman Phelps Farm
1873 Not Applicable Italianate
Nov. 2014 47 High Plain Road
Joseph Chandler - George M. Carter Farm
1880 Not Applicable Other
233 High Plain Rd.
Abbott - Shattuck - Noyes house
circa 1718 Not Applicable Georgian
Oct. 2013 - moved 1982 from 125 River Rd. 239 High Plain Rd
Abbott - Shattuck Farm
circa 1728 Georgian
Oct. 2013 - former Paddy Burke house and Country Store 243 High Plain Road
Paddy Burke House - Country Store
circa 1760 Not Applicable Other
278 High Plain Rd - 1992 278 High Plain Road
Barker Place, Lake View Farm
1880 Not Applicable Other
408 High Plain Road
Hyde - Boutwell House
mid - 19th century Not Applicable Other
showing results 921 to 940 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)