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showing results 883 to 900 of 2051


address construction date historic district architectural style
12 High Vale Ln 12 High Vale Lane
Kittredge-Haywood-Wonson House
1848 - 1849 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Italianate
Sept. 12, 2016 14 High Vale Lane
Abbott - Dole/Erving - Haynes House
1848 Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Gothic Revival
Sept. 12, 2016 20 High Vale Lane
St. Joseph's Church
1881 Ballardvale National Register District Gothic Revival
26 High Vale Ln 26 High Vale Lane c. 1870's Andover Historic Building Survey Italianate
28 High Vale Ln 28 High Vale Lane c.1860's Andover Historic Building Survey Greek Revival
Sept. 12, 2016 30 High Vale Lane
Richardson - Provasoli house
1911 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
1 Highland Rd 1 Highland Road
Albert Abbott - Philip K. Allen House
pre - 1830 Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
Case Memorial Cage 2018 5 Highland Road
Case Memorial Cage
1922 Academy Hill NRH District Other
Borden Gymnasium -  Sept. 11, 2019 6 Highland Road
Borden Gymnasium
1901, 1911, 1952, 1979 Academy Hill NRH District Georgian Revival
no image available 31 Highland Road
Sumner Smith Rink
1950s Academy Hill NRH District Other
45 Highland Rd Sept. 2004 45 Highland Road
Eastman House - Phillips Academy
1892 - 1893 Academy Hill NRH District Second Empire
49 Highland Rd 49 Highland Road
McCurdy House - Phillips Academy - Mary Upton House
1814 - 1815 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
57 Highland Rd 57 Highland Road
Carter House - "Smith House" - Phillips Academy
c.1879 - 1880 Academy Hill NRH District Second Empire
59 Highland Rd 59 Highland Road c. 1900 Academy Hill NRH District Craftsman/Bungalow
61 Highland Rd 61 Highland Road
Frost House - Phillips Academy
c.1840s - 50s Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
69 Highland Rd 69 Highland Road
Cochran - Watson House
c. 1900 Academy Hill NRH District Queen Anne
73 Highland Road 1988 73 Highland Road
Phillips Academy "Latin Commons"
1834 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
75 Highland Rd 75 Highland Road
Peter & Agnes Cunningham House
circa 1891 - 1892 Academy Hill NRH District Queen Anne
showing results 883 to 900 of 2051


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)