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showing results 1081 to 1100 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
crica 1886 - Collection of Andover Historical Society 21 Lowell Street
Frye Village Schoolhouse - Richardson School
1848 Shawsheen Village NRH District Greek Revival
May 30, 2015 24 Lowell Street
Isaac O. Barnard House
1830 - 1840's Shawsheen Village NRH District Greek Revival
25 Lowell St 25 Lowell Street
Bimsley & Mary Stevens - Lamont House
1847 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
31 Lowell St 31 Lowell Street
Abbot, Juduthan Jr. - Battles, Winslow House
1809 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
33 -35 Lowell St - 1978 house and site of Playdon's Nursery 33 Lowell Street
Playdon's Florist Greenhouse site
1892 - 1894 Shawsheen Village NRH District
41 Lowell St. May 30, 2015 41 Lowell Street
Joshua & Abigail Hill House
1850 Andover Historic Building Survey Greek Revival
May 30, 2015 43 Lowell Street
Margaret Baxter House
1904 - 1905 Andover Historic Building Survey Craftsman/Bungalow
47 Lowell St 47 Lowell Street
Willard & Mary Durant House
1840 Andover Historic Building Survey Greek Revival
May 2014 52 Lowell Street
Arden - Superintendent's Cottage
1889 - 1890 Individual National Register Listing Shingle
61 Lowell St 61 Lowell Street
Pariseau - Yunggebauer House
1900 Shawsheen Village NRH District Queen Anne
63 Lowell St 63 Lowell Street
Ward - Larson House
1923 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
May 2015 65 Lowell Street
Dora A. Ward House
Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
Richard Ward House 71 Lowell Street
Ward, Richard A. House
1883 Individual National Register Listing Queen Anne
74 Lowell St 74 Lowell Street
Abbott - Cochran House
c.1830's-40's Not Applicable Greek Revival
78 Lowell St 78 Lowell Street
George D. Ward House
1880's Shawsheen Village NRH District Queen Anne
81 Lowell St - May 30, 2015 81 Lowell Street 1870's Not Applicable Gothic Revival
88 Lowell St - Nov. 2014 88 Lowell Street
Chandler - Bigsby - Abbot House
c. 1673 Individual National Register Listing First Period
108 Lowell St 108 Lowell Street
Mooar House
circa 1692 Not Applicable First Period
114 Lowell St 114 Lowell Street
Terwilliger - Darbyshire House
1923 Not Applicable Other
116-118 Lowell St 116 Lowell Street
Addis - Baker House
1923 Not Applicable Other
showing results 1081 to 1100 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)