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showing results 666 to 684 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
51-53 Elm St 51-53 Elm Street 1880-1900 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 55-57 Elm Street
Hale - Wood House
1880-1900 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 59-61 Elm Street 1880-1900 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 60 Elm Street
Samuel G. Valpey - William G. Goldsmith House
pre 1830 Not Applicable Greek Revival
May 2016 70 Elm Street
Abbot Tavern; Deacon Isaac Abbot's Tavern
1680-1776 (ca. 1740 acc. To LeBoutillier) Individual National Register Listing Federal
Andover Preservation Commission 73 Elm Street
McTernan - Smith House
1905 - 1906 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
75 Elm St 75 Elm Street
Barton - Kyle House
1901 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
Moses Foster Jr. House circa 1895 79 Elm Street
Moses Foster Jr. House
1851 - 1852 Not Applicable
May 2016 89 Elm Street
Ralph Holbrook Chandler House
1853 - 1854 Not Applicable Greek Revival
July 2019 91 Elm Street
Hagemand - Lunan - Napier House
1853 - 1854 Not Applicable Greek Revival
May 2016 95 - 97 Elm Street
Thompson - Noyes - Chase house
1915 Not Applicable Greek Revival
May 2016 105 Elm Street
Stevens - Cummings homestead
1810 - 1820 Not Applicable Greek Revival
Francis H. Johnson estate circa 1900 106 Elm Street
Thornton - Johnson Estate
1850 - 1851 Other
May 2016 109 Elm Street
Dearborn - Rea House
1885 - 1887 Italianate
May 2016 117 Elm Street
Richardson - Norton House
1885 - 1890 Not Applicable Other
May 2016 121 Elm Street
Randall-Newman House
1885 Not Applicable Other
May 9, 2016 129 Elm Street
William S. & Jane R. Lawson House
1879 - 1880 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 131 Elm Street
Frank D. & Abbie Valpey House
1916 - 1917 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
133 Elm St 133 Elm Street
Kareem W. & Katherine Hajjar
1950 - 1951 Not Applicable Other
showing results 666 to 684 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)