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showing results 723 to 741 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
Aug. 2015 53 Enmore Street
George & Sharon Thomson House
1972 Shawsheen Village NRH District Other
6 Essex St 6 Essex Street
Andover Baptist Church
1834-1836 Central Street NRH District Greek Revival
Old Depot building - M. T. Walsh abt 1895 9 Essex Street
Andover - Wilmington Railroad Depot
1836 Individual National Register Listing Greek Revival
May 2013 10 Essex Street
Nathaniel Swift Store
1845 Not Applicable Greek Revival
Major Benjamin Gleason House 12 Essex Street
Maj. Benjamin Gleason House
1834 Not Applicable Federal
13-19 Essex St with former Glory Restaurant sign 2010 13-15-17 Essex Street
Purity Building
1922 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
14 Essex Street 1880's Andover Historic Building Survey Other
Andolinis 2013 - 19 Essex St. 19 Essex St 1922 Not Applicable
26 Essex St. 2011 20 - 26 Essex Street
"Post Office Building"
1916-1917 Not Applicable Other
25-27 Essex St 25-27 Essex Street 1900 Not Applicable Queen Anne
28 Essex St 28 Essex Street
Jacob Chickering - James Grosvenor House
1835 Individual National Register Listing Greek Revival
29 Essex St 29 Essex Street
Chickering, Jacob House
1835 Not Applicable Greek Revival
34 Essex St 34 Essex Street
Abbot, Joseph Thompson House
1845-1849 Individual National Register Listing Gothic Revival
St. Augustine’s Church “Center for Education & Ministry”  May 2014 35 Essex Street
Center for Education & Ministry
2005 Not Applicable Greek Revival
Sawyer - Gunnison House right of St. A's church - 1883 37 Essex Street
Sawyer - Gunnison House
Not Applicable Greek Revival
38-40 Essex St 38-40 Essex Street 1985 Not Applicable Other
43 Essex Street
Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church & Rectory
1895 - 1897 Not Applicable Gothic Revival
Elijah Crowther - William Corse House 45 Essex Street
Crowther - Corse House - St. Augustine's Rectory
1837 - 1840 Not Applicable
April 2014 47 Essex St
Smith & Dove Co. housing - John & Mary Kelley House
1872 Not Applicable Second Empire
showing results 723 to 741 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)