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showing results 1581 to 1600 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
128 Reservation Rd 128 Reservation Road
West Burial Ground - West Parish Cemetery
1692, 1751, 1908 West Parish Center NRH District Other
129 Reservation Rd 129 Reservation Road
West Parish Congregational Meeting House
Dec. 26, 1826, building dedicated West Parish Center NRH District Federal
Sept. 7, 2018 14 Ridge Street
Mark Newman house ells
1820 Federal
18 Ridge St 18 Ridge Street
Newman House
1820's Not Applicable Federal
12 River Rd 12 River Road 1880s Not Applicable Other
14 River Rd 14 River Road 1900 - 1904 Not Applicable Other
24 River Rd 24 River Road
Tofiszki - Fortuna House
1928 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
29 River Rd 29 River Road
Nathan Shattuck house site
1907 - 1908 Not Applicable Other
35 River Rd 35 River Road
Abiel Stevens Farmstead
1816 Not Applicable Other
North School 1903 54 River Road
North District Schoolhouse
1895 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
59 River Road
Louisa R. Bailey House
c. 1915 Not Applicable Colonial Revival
87 River Rd. - Feb. 25,1980 87 River Road
Bodwell Lovejoy - Timothy Bailey 3rd House
19th century 1820 - 1830 Not Applicable Federal
113 River Rd - 1975-1976 113 River Road
James Toye House
1867 - 1870 Not Applicable Greek Revival
125 River Road circa 1970 125 River Road
Abbott - Shattuck Farm
ca. 1728 Individual National Register Listing Georgian
125 River Road - Country Store - moved 1982 to High Plain Rd 127 River Road
Shattuck, Edward Farm Country Store
1760 Not Applicable Other
129 River Rd. 1975 129 River Road
Abbot - Shattuck - Noyes House
early 19th century Not Applicable Other
Maddox Farm  1898 - Andover Center for History & Culture 177 River Rd
– Merrill - Runels - Maddox Farm
Circa 1852 Greek Revival
239 RIver Rd. April 2024 239 River Road
Abbot, David House
1711, 18th century Not Applicable Other
249 River Rd April 9, 2024 249 River Road
Abbott, Jonathan House
210 years old (1713?), 18th century Andover Historic Building Survey Other
309 River Rd 309 River Road
David Abbot House
early 19th century Not Applicable Other
showing results 1581 to 1600 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)