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showing results 951 to 969 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
104 Highland Rd. 9/11/2017 104 Highland Road
Phillips District Schoolhouse - 1924 House by Phillips Academy
1850 Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
107 Highland Rd. - Collection of Andover Historical Society 107 Highland Road
John N. & Minnie Cole House - "Bouldrebrook"
1910 - 1912 Academy Hill NRH District, Andover Historic Building Survey Colonial Revival
October 2003 167 Highland Road
Blunt, Isaac House/Sellers House
c.1830s Not Applicable Federal
203 Highland Rd 203 Highland Road 1912 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
269 Highland Rd 269 Highland Road
Rogers, Benjamin - Downing, John J. House
c.1848 Individual National Register Listing Gothic Revival
271 Highland Road
Rogers - Downing Barn - Fine House
1850 & 1968 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
9 Holt Rd 9 Holt Road
Dunbar House
1958 Not Applicable Other
31 Holt Rd 31 Holt Road
Clement - Brownell - Stewart House
1830 - 1833 Not Applicable Greek Revival
37 Holt Rd 37 Holt Road
Guy Furbush House
1954 Not Applicable Other
44 Holt Rd 44 Holt Road
Sweeney - Doyle House
1895 - 1916 Not Applicable Shingle
76 Holt Road
John & Margaret Sweeney House
1864 - 1870 Not Applicable Greek Revival
81 Holt Rd 81 Holt Road
Samuel B. Holt house
1854 - 1855 Not Applicable Greek Revival
101 Holt Rd 101 Holt Road
Holt House
ca. 1700/circa1740 Not Applicable First Period
109-R Holt Rd 109-R Holt Road
David & Hannah Holt House
c. 1770 Not Applicable Georgian
173 Holt Rd 173 Holt Road
Samuel Holt House
18th century/circa 1722 Not Applicable Georgian
233 Holt Rd 233 Holt Road
Ebenezer Jones - Jacob Jones House
1770 Not Applicable Georgian
3 Howell Dr. formerly 34 Summer St. 3 Howell Drive
Driscoll Carriage House lot
1997 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
5 Howell Dr 5 Howell Drive
Sigourney - Stark - Blanchard House
1830s Andover Historic Building Survey Federal
7 Howell Dr 7 Howell Drive 1880 Not Applicable Other
showing results 951 to 969 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)