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showing results 1681 to 1700 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
South facade May 2015 15 School Street
Holt - Goodhue House
1825 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
Alumni House May 2015 16 School Street
K.O.A. House/ Alumni House
1902 Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
19 School St 19 School Street
Edward & Eliza Buck House -McDuffie House
1838 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
20 School St 20 School Street
Bertha Bailey House - Tufts - Butterfield House
1830 Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
22 School St 22 School Street
Rev. John L. Taylor - Flagg House
c. 1844 Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
23 School St - May 2015 23 School Street
Morton House
circa 1834 Academy Hill NRH District Federal
May 2015 27 School Street
Warren F. & Irene Draper House
1867-69 Academy Hill NRH District Second Empire
38 School St 28 School Street
Merrill Memorial Gateway
completed 1921, dedicated June 1921 Academy Hill NRH District Other
31-33 School St 31 - 33 School Street
Leach House
mid 19th century, circa 1860 Academy Hill NRH District Italianate
May 2015 34 School Street
Chandler, Herman Cottage - Phillips Academy
1852-1856 Academy Hill NRH District Greek Revival
35 School Street
Wilson - Carter House - Phillips Academy
1888 Academy Hill NRH District Italianate
May 2013 39 School Street - French / Jenkins House
French / Jenkins House
circa 1830 Not Applicable Federal
41 School St 41 School Street
Clement – Hayward House
1825 and 1869 Not Applicable Other
42 School St 42 School Street
Simeon Putnam House
1833 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
St Augustine's Convent 49 School Street
Sisters of Notre Dame Convent
1892 Not Applicable Greek Revival
50 School St 50 School Street
Kimball, Dr. Walter House
1854 - 1855 Not Applicable Georgian Revival
53 School St 53 School Street
Thomas & Dorothy Emmons House
1941 Andover Historic Building Survey Georgian Revival
1906 Map detail p Pittington 71 & 75 School St 71 School Street
George Piddington House
1880 - 1881 Andover Historic Building Survey Queen Anne
73 School St 73 School Street
George Piddington - House II
1898 - 1900 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
Sept. 7, 2018 75 School Street 1900 - 1905 Andover Historic Building Survey
showing results 1681 to 1700 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)