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Found 40 buildings on Elm St.
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showing results 1 to 20 of 40


address construction date historic district architectural style
Elm Block 2010 5 - 7 Elm Street
Elm Block
1904 - 1905 Not Applicable Shingle
Andover Spa 2010 9-11 Elm Street
Andover Spa
1922 Andover Historic Building Survey Other
August 2012 15 Elm Street
Century Bank
2012 Not Applicable
House behind filling station 15 R Elm Street
Bean - McLawlin House
1880 Not Applicable
2010 18-20 Elm Street
Whittier - Beard - Lundgren House
1816 - 1820 Not Applicable Federal
21 Elm Street
Ames - Cole House
Circa 1790 Not Applicable Federal
April 2012 28 Elm Street
Daniel Abbott House
c. 1820's Not Applicable Federal
31 Elm St 31 Elm Street
Free Christian Church
1907 Not Applicable Georgian Revival
1975 35-37 Elm Street
Ames, Capt. Benjamin - Henry Burtt House
1777 Not Applicable Georgian
36 Elm Street
Chickering - Purcell House
1875 - 1880 Not Applicable Italianate
Aug. 2011 40 Elm Street
William Chickering House
before 1830's Not Applicable Federal
41-43 Elm St 41-43 Elm Street
Harnden Block - Robert's House
1855-80 Not Applicable Greek Revival
44-46 Elm St 42-46 Elm Street
Hodgetts - Hickey House
1873 - 1880 Not Applicable Stick
48 Elm St 48 Elm Street
Lemuel H. Eames House
1879 - 1880 Not Applicable Stick
May 9, 2016 49-R Elm Street 1885 - 1895 Not Applicable Queen Anne
49 Elm St 49 Elm Street
Enoch Abbott Jr. House
1832 Not Applicable Federal
51-53 Elm St 51-53 Elm Street 1880-1900 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 55-57 Elm Street
Hale - Wood House
1880-1900 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 59-61 Elm Street 1880-1900 Not Applicable Queen Anne
May 2016 60 Elm Street
Samuel G. Valpey - William G. Goldsmith House
pre 1830 Not Applicable Greek Revival
showing results 1 to 20 of 40


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)