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Found 46 buildings with architectural style: Georgian.
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showing results 1 to 20 of 46


address construction date historic district architectural style
58 Abbot St 58 Abbot Street 1745 Not Applicable Georgian
189 Abbot St 189 Abbot Street
Isaac Goldmith Jr. House
1778 Not Applicable Georgian
130 Argilla Rd 130 Argilla Road
Holt - Ballard - Chase House
pre-1830 Andover Historic Building Survey Georgian
125 Bailey Rd 125 Bailey Road
Samuel & Sally Bailey House
1730 - 80 Andover Historic Building Survey Georgian
57 Ballardvale Rd 57 Ballardvale Road
Capt. Job Abbot/Nathan Ballard Abbot House
18th century Andover Historic Building Survey Georgian
Nov. 2014 NE view 19 Balmoral Street
Smith & Dove "Back Row" Cottage
circa 1840 - 1845 Shawsheen Village NRH District Georgian
9 Bancroft Rd 9 Bancroft Road
Pearson, Joseph - Bancroft, Albert House
1790 Not Applicable Georgian
72 Brundrett Av 72 Brundrett Avenue
Moses Bailey – Nathan Bailey Homestead
18th century Not Applicable Georgian
23 - 23a Central St 23 - 23a Central Street
Jonathan Swift House
1795 Central Street NRH District Georgian
47 Central St 47 Central Street
Samuel Abbot - Rev. Mark Newman House
1792 - 1793 Central Street NRH District Georgian
56 Central St 56 Central Street
George Abbot House
1796 Central Street NRH District Georgian
59 Central Street
Higgins, Solomon - Abbot, George House
1734 Central Street NRH District Georgian
88 Central St 88 Central Street
Ballard, Sheribiah - Emery, Francis House
1717-1720 Central Street NRH District Georgian
2 Chestnut St 2 Chestnut Street
Abbot, Abner House/ Rose Cottage
1784 Central Street NRH District Georgian
103 Dascomb Rd 103 Dascomb Road
Pillsbury - French House
1790's Individual National Register Listing Georgian
125 Dascomb Rd 125 Dascomb Road
Dascomb, Jacob House
1758 Individual National Register Listing Georgian
1990 8 Douglass LN
Jenkins, William House
1765 Andover Historic Building Survey Georgian
1975 35-37 Elm Street
Ames, Capt. Benjamin - Henry Burtt House
1777 Not Applicable Georgian
May 2016 134 Elm Street
Abbott, Dr. Nehemiah - Lee, Capt. John House
ca. 1748 Not Applicable Georgian
102 Gould Rd 102 Gould Road
Chandler - Jenkins - Gould House
c 1797 Not Applicable Georgian
showing results 1 to 20 of 46


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)