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showing results 457 to 475 of 2052


address construction date historic district architectural style
95 Central St 95 Central Street
Fred Fitzgerald House
1949 Not Applicable Other
Ballard-Foster Homestead 1960s 96 Central Street
Foster Homestead
1660 Individual National Register Listing First Period
98 Central St 98 Central Street
Homer Foster House
1901 Not Applicable Shingle
109 Central St 109 Central Street
Elizabeth P. & T. Franklin Pratt House
c. 1878 Andover Historic Building Survey Italianate
15 Chandler Ci 15 Chandler Circle
Chandler, J. House
1937 Not Applicable Federal
Chandler Homestead - Nov. 13, 2014 59 Chandler Circle (now 3 Crenshaw Lane)
Joshua Chandler House
1780 - 1830 Not Applicable Federal
35 Chandler Rd 35 Chandler Road
Tuck, John House
c. 1818 Not Applicable Federal
Jan. 2005 73 Chandler Road
Trauschke - Doyle House
1900 Not Applicable Craftsman/Bungalow
June 23, 2005 - rear view 141 Chandler Road
Joseph Chandler - Willard Durnat House
1795 - 1800 Not Applicable Federal
146 Chandler Rd 146 Chandler Road 1860 - 1870 Not Applicable Greek Revival
210 Chandler Rd 210 Chandler Road
Bailey, Timothy Palmer House
1857 Not Applicable Other
215 Chandler Rd - 1975 213 Chandler Road
Bailey Barn - Peter & May Mararian House
mid 19th century Not Applicable Other
221 Chandler Rd 221 Chandler Road
Bailey, 2nd Timothy House
pre-1830 Not Applicable Greek Revival
259 Chandler Rd 259 Chandler Road
Cuttle - Disbrow house
1850 - 1860 Not Applicable Queen Anne
Sept. 11, 2017 2 Chapel Ave
Cochran Chapel
1929-1930 Academy Hill NRH District Georgian Revival
Stone Academy building on right, Main Street c. 1860 Chapel Ave
Stone Academy
1829-1830 Academy Hill NRH District
Sept. 11, 2017 3 Chapel Ave
Addison Gallery of American Art
1930 - 1931 Academy Hill NRH District, Andover Historic Building Survey Georgian Revival
April 22, 2011 4 Chapel Avenue
Andover Inn & Phillps Inn
1933 Academy Hill NRH District Colonial Revival
Sept. 11, 2017 Main entrance to cemetery Chapel Cemetery
Chapel Cemetery
1810 - 1820 Academy Hill NRH District Other
showing results 457 to 475 of 2052


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)