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showing results 441 to 460 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
Collection of Cecil Nicoll - circa 1950 12 Central Street
Samuel & Martha Gray House
1840's Central Street NRH District
15-19 Central St 15-19 Central Street
Central Realty Trust Building
1965 Central Street NRH District Other
16 Central Street
Jonathan Swift - Thomas Holt house
1780s Central Street NRH District Federal
McArdle Building & Reading Co-operative Bank 2014 18-20 Central Street
McArdle Building
1957 Central Street NRH District International
circa 1960 - Collection of Andover Historical Society 22 Central Street
Dennis F. Sweeney House
1899-1900 Central Street NRH District Queen Anne
23 - 23a Central St 23 - 23a Central Street
Jonathan Swift House
1795 Central Street NRH District Georgian
1993 - 24 Central Street
Lucy E. Eaton House
1893 - 1895 Central Street NRH District Other
25 Central St 25 Central Street
Dr. Samuel Johnson House & Store. Also "Glebe house" or "Gallishan House"
1825 Central Street NRH District Federal
St. Augustine School circa 1918 26 Central Street
St. Augustine School
1918 Central Street NRH District Other
29 Central St 29 Central Street
Marland Rectory - Christ Episcopal Church Rectory
1845 Central Street NRH District Greek Revival
Christ Church Cemetery 33 r Central Street
Christ Church Episcopal Cemetery
1840 Central Street NRH District
33 Central St 33 Central Street
Christ Episcopal Church
1887 Central Street NRH District Romanesque Revival
36 Central St 36 Central Street
Esther H. Byers House
1891 Central Street NRH District Colonial Revival
40 Central Street
Revolutionary War Memorial
1976 Central Street NRH District Other
41 Central St 41 Central Street
South Church
1861 Central Street NRH District Gothic Revival
Sept. 21, 2018 41 r Central Street
South Parish Burial Ground - South Parish Cemetery
1710 Central Street NRH District Other
42 Central St 42 Central Street
John F. & Elizabeth Kimball house
ca. 1890 Central Street NRH District Colonial Revival
44 Central St 44 Central Street
Frederick & Katherine Higgins House
1951 Central Street NRH District Colonial Revival
47 Central St 47 Central Street
Samuel Abbot - Rev. Mark Newman House
1792 - 1793 Central Street NRH District Georgian
48 Central St 48 Central Street
Aiken, John - Ripley, Col. George House
by 1850 Central Street NRH District Other
showing results 441 to 460 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)