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showing results 621 to 640 of 2053


address construction date historic district architectural style
4 Cuba St 4 Cuba Street
Sayers House
1971-1972 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
6.5 - 10 Cuba St 6.5 - 10 Cuba Street
Hart's Block
1907 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Colonial Revival
7 Cuba St. 2008 7 Cuba Street
Julia J. Welch House
1870 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
11 Cuba Street 1890s Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
12 Cuba June 2014 12 Cuba Street 1919-1920 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Colonial Revival
14 Cuba Street
McGowan - Schofield House
1855-1860 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Queen Anne
15 Cuba St. 2014 15 Cuba Street
John & Annie Anderson House
1896 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Queen Anne
16 Cuba Street
Schofield House
1890-1895 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Queen Anne
17 Cuba St 17 Cuba Street
Issac Howarth - Samuel Anderson House
early 19th century Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
May 2014 18 Cuba Street 1948 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
19 Cuba St 19 Cuba Street
Herman Abbott - Aaron S. Clark House
1830-1840 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
May 2014 20 Cuba Street
The James Saunders House
1885 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Italianate
21 Cuba St - 2014 21 Cuba Street
Timothy & Stephanie Smith House
1974 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Other
22 Cuba St 22 Cuba Street 1850-1860 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
24-26 Cuba St 24-26 Cuba Street c. 1872 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
Indian Ridge School c. 1900 27 Cuba St
Site of Indian Ridge School
1892-1893 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Italianate
28 Cuba St 28 Cuba Street
Abbot Village Primary School
1861 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
29 Cuba St 29 Cuba Street
Abbott, Capt. William House
1820 - 1828 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Federal
30 Cuba St 30 Cuba Street
Andrew Thompson House
1857 Andover Village Industrial NRH District Greek Revival
Brick boarding house, detail from Oct. 18, 1924 photo 2 Dale Street
Ballardvale Mills Double Worker Housing
c. 1840's Ballardvale Local Historic District, Ballardvale National Register District Other
showing results 621 to 640 of 2053


map (NB: map data may not be available for all buildings)